Katja Paananen

Preparation and structural characterization of (Me(3)SiNSN)(2)Se, a new synthon for sulfur-selenium nitrides.

The reaction of (Me(3)SiN)(2)S with SeCl(2) (2:1 ratio) in CH(2)Cl(2) at -70 degrees C provides a route to the novel mixed selenium-sulfur-nitrogen compound (Me(3)SiNSN)(2)Se (1). Crystals of 1 are monoclinic and belong the space group P2(1)/c, with a = 7.236(1) A, b = 19.260(4) A, c = 11.436(2) A, beta = 92.05(3) degrees, V = 1592.7(5) A(3), Z = 4, and T = -155(2) degrees C. The NSNSeNSN chain in 1 consists of Se-N single bonds (1.844(3) A) and S=N double bonds (1.521(3)-1.548(3) A) with syn and anti geometry at the N=S=N units. The N-Se-N bond angle is 91.8(1) degrees. The EI mass spectrum shows a molecular ion with good agreement between the observed and calculated isotopic distributions…

research product

Discussions on intimate partner violence and electrodermal activity in couple therapy

Tutkimuksemme tarkoituksena oli tarkastella, kuinka paljon parisuhdeväkivallasta puhutaan pariterapiassa, mitä ja kuinka osallistujat puhuvat siitä sekä kuinka osallistujien ihon sähkönjohtavuus liittyy väkivaltakeskusteluihin. Tutkimukseemme kuului neljä paria ja heidän terapeuttinsa, ja parit olivat hakeutuneet terapiaan parisuhdeväkivallan vuoksi. Tarkastellessamme teemoja ja keskustelukäytäntöjä käytimme temaattista analyysia ja diskurssianalyysia. Ihon sähkönjohtavuuden osalta puolestaan tarkastelimme, onko osallistujien välillä eroja keskiarvoissa, piikkien määrässä ja osuuksissa sekä synkroniassa. Tuloksemme osoittivat, että vaikka väkivallasta puhuttiin melko vähän terapiassa, uhrit…

research product

"Voin paremmin, jaksan paremmin, näytän paremmalta" : naisten kuntosalikurssin suunnittelu, toteutus ja arviointi

research product

Electrodermal activity in couple therapy for intimate partner violence

The aim of this study was to examine the extent to which intimate partner violence (IPV) is discussed in couple therapy, what the participants say about it and how, and how the participants’ electrodermal activity (EDA) is activated during these discussions. We studied four couples for whom IPV was an issue in dialog with their therapists. We used thematic analysis and examined the differences in EDA (measured as skin conductance responses, SCRs) between the participants. We found that although IPV was discussed relatively little in therapy, when the topic arose the victims took an active part in the discussion. We also found that the main themes were descriptions of IPV, explanations for I…

research product

ChemInform Abstract: Preparation and Structural Characterization of (Me3SiNSN)2Se, a New Synthon for Sulfur-Selenium Nitrides.

The reaction of (Me(3)SiN)(2)S with SeCl(2) (2:1 ratio) in CH(2)Cl(2) at -70 degrees C provides a route to the novel mixed selenium-sulfur-nitrogen compound (Me(3)SiNSN)(2)Se (1). Crystals of 1 are monoclinic and belong the space group P2(1)/c, with a = 7.236(1) A, b = 19.260(4) A, c = 11.436(2) A, beta = 92.05(3) degrees, V = 1592.7(5) A(3), Z = 4, and T = -155(2) degrees C. The NSNSeNSN chain in 1 consists of Se-N single bonds (1.844(3) A) and S=N double bonds (1.521(3)-1.548(3) A) with syn and anti geometry at the N=S=N units. The N-Se-N bond angle is 91.8(1) degrees. The EI mass spectrum shows a molecular ion with good agreement between the observed and calculated isotopic distributions…

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