Joan Dorca
Primary results of the first nationwide molecular screening program in Spain for patients with advanced breast cancer (AGATA SOLTI-1301 study)
Gozos de la Virgen N. Señora de Loreto, cuya Sagrada Imagen se venera en la Iglesia del Convento de Padres Predicadores de la Ciudad de Vich
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First Nationwide Molecular Screening Program in Spain for Patients With Advanced Breast Cancer: Results From the AGATA SOLTI-1301 Study
Anàlisi de seqüències d'ADN; Subtipus PAM50; Genètica molecular Análisis de secuencias de ADN; Subtipo PAM50; Genética molecular DNA sequence analyses; PAM50 subtype; Molecular genetic Background: The SOLTI-1301 AGATA study aimed to assess the feasibility of a multi-institutional molecular screening program to better characterize the genomic landscape of advanced breast cancer (ABC) and to facilitate patient access to matched-targeted therapies in Spain. Methods: DNA sequencing of 74 cancer-related genes was performed using FFPE tumor samples in three different laboratories with three different gene panels. A multidisciplinary advisory board prospectively recommended potential targeted trea…