A. Muñoz
Measurements of volcanic SO2 and CO2 fluxes by combined DOAS, Multi-GAS and FTIR observations: a case study from Turrialba and Telica volcanoes
Over the past few decades, substantial progress has been made to overcome the technical difficulties of continuously measuring volcanic SO2 emissions. However, measurements of CO2 emissions still present many difficulties, partly due to the lack of instruments that can directly measure CO2 emissions and partly due to its strong atmospheric background. In order to overcome these difficulties, a commonly taken approach is to combine differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS) by using NOVAC scan-DOAS instruments for continuous measurements of crateric SO2 emissions, and electrochemical/NDIR multi-component gas analyser system (multi-GAS) instruments for measuring CO2/SO2 ratios of exc…
Stability and nature of the volume collapse of ε-FeO under extreme conditions
Iron oxides are among the major constituents of the deep Earth's interior. Among them, the epsilon phase of FeO is one of the less studied polymorphs and there is a lack of information about its structural, electronic and magnetic transformations at extreme conditions. Here we report the precise determination of its equation of state and a deep analysis of the evolution of the polyhedral units under compression, thanks to the agreement between our experiments and ab-initio simulations. Our results indicate that this material, with remarkable magnetic properties, is stable at pressures up to 27 GPa. Above 27 GPa, a volume collapse has been observed and ascribed to a change of the local envir…
Gas measurements from the Costa Rica–Nicaragua volcanic segment suggest possible along-arc variations in volcanic gas chemistry
Obtaining accurate estimates of the CO2 output from arc volcanism requires a precise understanding of the potential along-arc variations in volcanic gas chemistry, and ultimately of the magmatic gas signature of each individual arc segment. In an attempt to more fully constrain the magmatic gas signature of the Central America Volcanic Arc (CAVA), we present here the results of a volcanic gas survey performed during March and April 2013 at five degassing volcanoes within the Costa Rica-Nicaragua volcanic segment (CNVS). Observations of the volcanic gas plume made with a multicomponent gas analyzer system (Multi-GAS) have allowed characterization of the CO2/SO2-ratio signature of the plumes …
Gold(i) sulfide: unusual bonding and an unexpected computational challenge in a simple solid† †Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Analysis of the pressure-induced amorphization in Au2S and calculated band structure. See DOI: 10.1039/c9sc00371a
Cubic cuprite-type gold(i) sulfide presents unique chemical bonding, which makes it unmodelable using current DFT methods, and a computational challenge.
Up-to-date Spanish continental Neogene synthesis and paleoclimatic interpretation
A synthesis of the Spanish continental Neogene is presented by designing an integrated correlative chart of the Neo" gen-e "succes"Siuns-ofthe "lberian-PeninsuIa-. -Ninemain-sedimentary-breaks-have-been -distinguished-in-most-of-the "basins. They are considered a valuable criteria for correlation as they occur in similar time intervals from basin to basin. The determined sedimentary breaks occur in the Agenian, Ramblian, Middle Aragonian, Late Aragonian, Late Vallesian, Middle Turolian, Late Turolian, Late Ruscinian-Early Villafranchian, and Villafranchian ages. The larger interior basins (Ebro, Tajo, Duero) show a fairly complete Neogene sedimentary record in which the aboye mentioned sedi…
Tratamiento médico del sarcoma de Ewing
El Sarcoma de Ewing representa del 10 al 15% de los tumores óseos malignos primarios y es el segundo en frecuencia en la edad pediátrica. Hasta la introducción de la quimioterapia adyuvante en los años 60, la supervivencia era inferior al 10%. En la actualidad se administra en todos los casos poliquimioterapia utilizando como fármacos esenciales: ciclofosfamida, ifosfamida, etoposido, vincristina, doxorrubicina y actinomicina D, con lo que la supervivencia se ha elevado hasta el 70% de los casos. En el Hospital «Ramón y Cajal», la supervivencia actuarial a 5 años, en 27 niños menores de 18 años de edad tratados con poliquimioterapia ha sido del 64%. Para los pacientes de pronóstico inicial …
Pbca-Type In2O3: The High-Pressure Post-Corundum phase at Room Temperature.
High-pressure powder X-ray diffraction and Raman scattering measurements in cubic bixbyite-type indium oxide (c-In2O3) have been performed at room temperature. On increasing pressure c-In2O3 undergoes a transition to the Rh2O3-II structure but on decreasing pressure Rh2O3-II-type In2O3 undergoes a transition to a previously unknown phase with Pbca space group which is isostructural to Rh2O3-III. On further decrease of pressure, we observed a phase transition to the metastable corundum-type In2O3 near room conditions. Recompression of the metastable corundum-type In2O3 at room temperature leads to a transition to the Rh2O3-III phase, thus showing that the Rh2O3-III phase is the post-corundum…