Yao Télesphore Brou

État actuel des réseaux de mesures éco-climatiques en Afrique centrale : les ambitions du projet de recherche international FORGREENE.

This work presents an overview of spatio-temporal quality andspatial density of rainfall networks of Cameroon, Gabon, Congo, CAP and DRC, particularly in the recentperiod (1973-2014) through the GSOD international database. Faced with enormous gaps observed, theseresults will help to select metrological and analytical orientations in FORGREENE project (Tropical forestsgreeness and cloudiness in Central Africa: present conditions and future evolution). A comparison with rainfallsatellite estimates (RFE type) also indicates their great potential, provided they are based on in situ validations.

research product

Analysis of cloudiness and solar radiation diurnal cycles for a better understanding of the forests greenness mean annual cycle in Central Africa.

To better understand the Central Africa forests sensitivity toclimate variability, we jointly analyse the mean annual cycles of greenness, rainfall, cloudiness and solarradiation for the target region 0-5°N/12-19°E using high resolution satellite data. Our results demonstrate theimportance of the diurnal scale for understanding the mean annual cycles of rainfall, cloudiness and solarradiation and the way they shape those of forest greenness. They also suggest that whereas the March-Mayrainy season appears optimal for greenness especially because of favorable light conditions, water availabilityis the main controlling factor in December-January the main dry season and in February at the star…

research product

Temporal evolution of heavy rainfall in the southern West Africa coastline belt.

The Southern Coastalbelt of West Africa (SCWA) is exposed to recurrent flooding. The two objectives of the study are to show thespecificity of SCWA to heavy rainfall occurrence and to determine the trends of the latter. Daily rainfall data of41 stations in the southern parts of Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Togo and Benin for the period 1951–2015 and ClimateHazards Group InfraRed Precipitation data were used. The approach is based on the determination (for eachstation and grid point) of the 95th centile (P95) of precipitations greater than or equal to 1 mm. Results indicatethat rainfall is heavier on the coastal belt than inland (average P95 is 65,4 and 45,5 m/day for coastal and inlandstations res…

research product