F. Brandolini
Neutron yields from a thick 13C target irradiated by 30 MeV protons
Abstract Total neutron yields resulting from the proton bombardment of a thick 13 C target have been measured for 30 MeV protons. Absolute intensities, angular distributions and energy spectra of neutrons have been obtained by the time-of-flight technique where the detectors provided continuous coverage from 0° to 120°. Resonances have been found, some of which can be attributed to known states in 14 N. A total yield of 0.022(3) n/p was observed with a slight angular anisotropy towards forward angles. The measured yields are compared to the neutron yields produced by using deuterons on thick 12 C and 9 Be targets.
Pronounced shape change induced by quasiparticle alignment
Mean lifetimes of high-spin states of Kr-74 have been determined using the Doppler-shift attenuation method. The high-spin states were studied using the Ca-40(Ca-40, alpha 2p) reaction at a beam energy of 160 MeV with the GASP gamma-ray spectrometer. The ground-state band and negative parity side band show the presence of three different configurations in terms of transitional quadrupole deformations. A dramatic shape change was found along the ground-state band after the S-band crossing. The deduced quadrupole deformation changes are well reproduced by cranked Woods-Saxon Strutinsky calculations.
Oblate Collectivity in the Yrast Structure of 194Pt
A deep inelastic reaction using a 460 MeV 82Se beam incident upon a thick 192Os target was performed at the Legnaro National Laboratory, Italy. The resulting γ-decays were measured using the GASP array. Results for 194Pt extend the known level scheme of the yrast structure from spin I = (12 ħ) to (20 ħ). The irregularities in the sequence of the new transition energies and total Routhian surface calculations show a breakdown in collectivity with an yrast oblate shape remaining to high spin. Rubio Barroso, Berta, Berta.Rubio@ific.uv.es