Trinitario Martínez Pérez
Isospin mixing in the N = Z nucleus Ge-64
The N=Z nucleus 64Ge has been investigated in two experiments using the EUROBALL III and EUROBALL IV spectrometers coupled to ancillary devices. Multipole mixing ratios, linear polarization and picosecond lifetimes for various transitions have been measured. The linear polarization results determine unambiguously the multipole character of the 5--->4+ 1665 keV transition, allowing to extract the electric dipole strength and to investigate for the first time the amount of isospin mixing implied by the presence of a forbidden E1 transition.
Oblate Collectivity in the Yrast Structure of 194Pt
A deep inelastic reaction using a 460 MeV 82Se beam incident upon a thick 192Os target was performed at the Legnaro National Laboratory, Italy. The resulting γ-decays were measured using the GASP array. Results for 194Pt extend the known level scheme of the yrast structure from spin I = (12 ħ) to (20 ħ). The irregularities in the sequence of the new transition energies and total Routhian surface calculations show a breakdown in collectivity with an yrast oblate shape remaining to high spin. Rubio Barroso, Berta, Berta.Rubio@ific.uv.es