Verónica Moreno
Vitamin A Deficiency Increases Protein Catabolism and Induces Urea Cycle Enzymes in Rats
Chronic vitamin A deficiency induces a substantial delay in the rates of weight and height gain in both humans and experimental animals. This effect has been associated with an impaired nutrient metabolism and loss of body protein. Therefore, we analyzed the effect of vitamin A deficiency on endogenous proteolysis and nitrogen metabolism and its reversibility with all-trans retinoic acid (RA). Male weanling rats, housed in pairs, were pair-fed a vitamin A-deficient (VAD) or control diet until they were 60 d old. A group of deficient rats were further treated with daily intraperitoneal injections of all-trans RA for 10 d. Final body and tissue (i.e. liver and heart) weights were significantl…
Mutaciones discursivas en el siglo XXI: la política en los medios y las redes.
Reseña del libro Mutaciones discursivas en el siglo XXI: la política en los medios y las redes coordinado por Nel-lo Pellisser y Joan M. Oleaque Moreno (Tirant lo Blanch, 2019).