Leonardo De La Cruz

Double Copies of Fermions as Matter that Interacts Only Gravitationally

Inspired by the recent progress in the field of scattering amplitudes, we discuss hypothetical particles which can be characterized as the double copies of fermions-in the same way gravitons can be viewed as double copies of gauge bosons. As the gravitons, these hypothetical particles interact only through gravitational interactions. We present two equivalent methods for the computation of the relevant scattering amplitudes. The hypothetical particles can be massive and nonrelativistic.

research product

Properties of Yang-Mills scattering forms

In this talk we introduce the properties of scattering forms on the compactified moduli space of Riemann spheres with $n$ marked points. These differential forms are $\text{PSL}(2,\mathbb{C})$ invariant, their intersection numbers correspond to scattering amplitudes as recently proposed by Mizera. All singularities are at the boundary of the moduli space and each singularity is logarithmic. In addition, each residue factorizes into two differential forms of lower points.

research product

Relations for Einstein–Yang–Mills amplitudes from the CHY representation

We show that a recently discovered relation, which expresses tree-level single trace Einstein-Yang-Mills amplitudes with one graviton and $(n-1)$ gauge bosons as a linear combination of pure Yang-Mills tree amplitudes with $n$ gauge bosons, can be derived from the CHY representation. In addition we show that there is a generalisation, which expresses tree-level single trace Einstein-Yang-Mills amplitudes with $r$ gravitons and $(n-r)$ gauge bosons as a linear combination of pure Yang-Mills tree amplitudes with $n$ gauge bosons. We present a general formula for this case.

research product

Relations and representations of QCD amplitudes

In this talk we review relations and representations of primitive QCD tree amplitudes. Topics covered include the BCJ relations, the CHY representation, and the KLT relations. We will put a special emphasis on how these relations and representations generalise from pure Yang-Mills theory to QCD. The generalisation of the KLT relations from pure Yang-Mills to QCD includes the case of massive quarks. On the gravity side we then obtain hypothetical particles interacting with gravitational strength, which can be massive and non-relativistic.

research product

Double copies of fermions as only gravitational interacting matter

Inspired by the recent progress in the field of scattering amplitudes, we discuss hypothetical particles which can be characterised as the double copies of fermions -- in the same way gravitons can be viewed as double copies of gauge bosons. As the gravitons, these hypothetical particles interact only through gravitational interactions. We present two equivalent methods for the computation of the relevant scattering amplitudes. The hypothetical particles can be massive and non-relativistic.

research product