A Garcia-españa
40(th) EASD Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes : Munich, Germany, 5-9 September 2004
Effect of nonprotein thiols on protein synthesis in isolated rat hepatocytes.
The ability of nonprotein thiols to modulate rates of protein synthesis was investigated in isolated rat hepatocytes. Addition of cysteine stimulates protein labelling by [14C]Leucine. Glutathione depletion, induced by in vivo administration of L-buthionine sulfoximine and diethylmaleate, did not alter the effect of cysteine, although it decreased the rate of protein synthesis by 32%. The effect of cysteine on protein synthesis does not seem to be related to a perturbation of the redox state of the NAD+/NADH system or to changes in the rate of gluconeogenic pathway. The following observations indicate that cysteine may stimulate protein synthesis by increasing intracellular levels of aspart…