M. Potokar
Polarization observables in deuteron photodisintegration below 360 MeV
High precision measurements of induced and transferred recoil proton polarization in d(polarized gamma, polarized p})n have been performed for photon energies of 277--357 MeV and theta_cm = 20 degrees -- 120 degrees. The measurements were motivated by a longstanding discrepancy between meson-baryon model calculations and data at higher energies. At the low energies of this experiment, theory continues to fail to reproduce the data, indicating that either something is missing in the calculations and/or there is a problem with the accuracy of the nucleon-nucleon potential being used.
Lowest- Q2 measurement of the γp → Δ reaction: Probing the pionic contribution
To determine nonspherical angular momentum amplitudes in hadrons at long ranges (low Q^2), data were taken for the p(\vec{e},e'p)\pi^0 reaction in the Delta region at Q^2=0.060 (GeV/c)^2 utilizing the magnetic spectrometers of the A1 Collaboration at MAMI. The results for the dominant transition magnetic dipole amplitude and the quadrupole to dipole ratios at W=1232 MeV are: M_{1+}^{3/2} = (40.33 +/- 0.63_{stat+syst} +/- 0.61_{model}) (10^{-3}/m_{\pi^+}),Re(E_{1+}^{3/2}/M_{1+}^{3/2}) = (-2.28 +/- 0.29_{stat+syst} +/- 0.20_{model})%, and Re(S_{1+}^{3/2}/M_{1+}^{3/2}) = (-4.81 +/- 0.27_{stat+syst} +/- 0.26_{model})%. These disagree with predictions of constituent quark models but are in reaso…
No evidence for medium effects in the12C(e, e'p)11Bg.s. reaction
The12C(e, e'p)11B g.s reaction has been measured in parallel and anti-parallel kinematics over ap m range of −120<p m<120 MeV/c at a centralT p of 90 MeV. In contrast to previous measurements at NIKHEF, both kinematics can be described without enhancement of the transverse form factor of the bound proton (η=0.98(5)). The spectroscopic factor for this transition as determined with the new Mainz data (S α =1.54(5)) is 22% smaller than the NIKHEF value.
Particle tracking in kaon electroproduction with cathode-charge sampling in multi-wire proportional chambers
Abstract Wire chambers are routinely operated as tracking detectors in magnetic spectrometers at high-intensity continuous electron beams. Especially in experiments studying reactions with small cross-sections the reaction yield is limited by the background rate in the chambers. One way to determine the track of a charged particle through a multi-wire proportional chamber (MWPC) is the measurement of the charge distribution induced on its cathodes. In practical applications of this read-out method, the algorithm to relate the measured charge distribution to the avalanche position is an important factor for the achievable position resolution and for the track reconstruction efficiency. An al…
Measurement of the ExclusiveH3e(e,e′p)Reaction Below the Quasielastic Peak
New, high-precision measurements of the 3He(e,ep) reaction using the A1 Collaboration spectrometers at the Mainz microtron MAMI are presented. These were performed in antiparallel kinematics at energy transfers below the quasielastic peak, and at a central momentum transfer of 685 MeV/c. Cross sections and distorted momentum distributions were extracted and compared to theoretical predictions and existing data. The longitudinal and transverse behavior of the cross section was also studied. Sizable differences in the cross-section behavior from theoretical predictions based on the plane wave impulse approximation were observed in both the two- and three-body breakup channels. Full Faddeev-ty…
Measurement of the Recoil Polarization in thep(e→,e′p→)π0Reaction at theΔ(1232)Resonance
The recoil proton polarization has been measured in the $p(\stackrel{\ensuremath{\rightarrow}}{e}{,e}^{\ensuremath{'}}\stackrel{\ensuremath{\rightarrow}}{p}){\ensuremath{\pi}}^{0}$ reaction in parallel kinematics around $W\phantom{\rule{0ex}{0ex}}=\phantom{\rule{0ex}{0ex}}1232\phantom{\rule{0ex}{0ex}}\mathrm{MeV}$, ${Q}^{2}\phantom{\rule{0ex}{0ex}}=\phantom{\rule{0ex}{0ex}}0.121\phantom{\rule{0ex}{0ex}}(\mathrm{GeV}/c{)}^{2}$, and $\ensuremath{\epsilon}\phantom{\rule{0ex}{0ex}}=\phantom{\rule{0ex}{0ex}}0.718$ using the polarized cw electron beam of the Mainz Microtron. All three proton polarization components, ${P}_{x}/{P}_{e}\phantom{\rule{0ex}{0ex}}=\phantom{\rule{0ex}{0ex}}(\ensuremath{-…
Precise pion electroproduction in thep(e, e? ?+)n reaction at W=1125 MeV
The reactione+p →> e+π ++n at c.m. energyW=1125MeV and momentum transfer Q2=0.117GeV2/c2 has been measured. The transverse and longitudinal structure functions have been separated by varying the polarization of the virtual photon (Rosenbluth plot) with a 3 to 4% error. In addition the longitudinal-transverse interference term has been determined measuring the right-left asymmetry with an accuracy of 3%. The experimental data are compared to model calculations, and the sensitivity of the results to the axial and pion formfactors is discussed.
Determination of quadrupole strengths in the γ∗p→Δ(1232) transition at Q2=0.20(GeV/c)2
Abstract We report new precise p ( e → , e ′ p ) π 0 measurements at the peak of the Δ + ( 1232 ) resonance at Q 2 = 0.20 ( GeV / c ) 2 performed at the Mainz Microtron (MAMI). The new data are sensitive to both the electric (E2) and the Coulomb (C2) quadrupole amplitudes of the γ ∗ N → Δ transition. They yield precise quadrupole to dipole amplitude ratios: CMR = ( − 5.09 ± 0.28 stat + sys ± 0.30 model ) % and EMR = ( − 1.96 ± 0.68 stat + sys ± 0.41 model ) % for M 1 + 3 / 2 = ( 39.57 ± 0.75 stat + sys ± 0.40 model ) ( 10 −3 / m π + ) . The new results are in disagreement with Constituent Quark Model predictions and in qualitative agreement with models that account for mesonic contributions…
Precise measurements of the neutron magnetic form factor
Abstract The neutron magnetic form factor Gmn has been determined via a measurement of the ratio of cross sections D(e,e′n) and D(e,e′p). The absolute detection efficiency of the neutron detector was measured with high accuracy using tagged neutrons produced from H(n,p)n elastic scattering by means of a high intensity neutron beam. This approach minimizes the model dependence and improves upon the weakest points of previous experiments. Data in the range q2=0.2–0.8 (GeV/c)2 with uncertainties of
The horizontal drift chambers for the focal plane proton-polarimeter of the 3-spectrometer setup at MAMI
Abstract Large-area horizontal drift chambers have been built for use in a proton polarimeter. A gas mixture of 20% argon and 80% ethane is used. The left–right assignment is achieved by measuring the difference of the signals induced on neighboring potential wires. A spatial resolution of 300 μm is achieved.
Measurement of GEp/GMp via polarization transfer at Q2 = 0.4 GeV /c2
The polarization transfer from longitudinally polarized electrons to protons in the elastic scattering p( e, e' p) has been measured around Q2 = 0.4 (GeV/c)2 with the three-spectrometer facility at the Mainz microtron MAMI. From this polarization transfer the ratio G Ep/(G Mp/μp) has been determined. The ratio is found to be slightly less than unity in agreement with recent results from other laboratories and from the Rosenbluth separation of cross-sections measured with unpolarized electrons.
At the Institut für Kernphysik in Mainz, Germany, the microtron MAMI has been upgraded to 1.5 GeV electron beam energy and can now be used to study strange hadronic systems. The magnetic spectrometer KAOS from GSI was dismantled and re-installed in the spectrometer facility operated by the A1 collaboration. The spectrometer's primary purpose is to study strangeness electro-production. Its compact design and its capability to detect negative and positive charged particles simultaneously under forward scattering angles complements the existing spectrometers. In 2008, an important milestone has been reached by the successful measurement of kaon production off a liquid hydrogen target. The ide…
High-Precision Determination of the Electric and Magnetic Form Factors of the Proton
New precise results of a measurement of the elastic electron-proton scattering cross section performed at the Mainz Microtron MAMI are presented. About 1400 cross sections were measured with negative four-momentum transfers squared up to Q^2=1 (GeV/c)^2 with statistical errors below 0.2%. The electric and magnetic form factors of the proton were extracted by fits of a large variety of form factor models directly to the cross sections. The form factors show some features at the scale of the pion cloud. The charge and magnetic radii are determined to be r_E=0.879(5)(stat.)(4)(syst.)(2)(model)(4)(group) fm and r_M=0.777(13)(stat.)(9)(syst.)(5)(model)(2)(group) fm.
New Measurements of the Transverse Beam Asymmetry for Elastic Electron Scattering from Selected Nuclei
We have measured the beam-normal single-spin asymmetry $A_n$ in the elastic scattering of 1-3 GeV transversely polarized electrons from $^1$H and for the first time from $^4$He, $^{12}$C, and $^{208}$Pb. For $^1$H, $^4$He and $^{12}$C, the measurements are in agreement with calculations that relate $A_n$ to the imaginary part of the two-photon exchange amplitude including inelastic intermediate states. Surprisingly, the $^{208}$Pb result is significantly smaller than the corresponding prediction using the same formalism. These results suggest that a systematic set of new $A_n$ measurements might emerge as a new and sensitive probe of the structure of heavy nuclei.
Investigation of short-range nucleon-nucleon correlations using the reaction in close to 4π geometry
Abstract Two-proton correlations were studied in close to 4 π geometry using the reaction 12 C (e,e′pp) . The beam energy was 705 MeV, the energy transfer 225 MeV, and the three-momentum transfer 412 MeV/c. The electrons were observed in a large-acceptance magnetic spectrometer in coincidence with protons observed in a BGO crystal ball. Missing energy and momentum, relative momentum and angular distributions were derived and compared with a factorized two-nucleon emission model. Soft-core correlation functions are favoured by the data.
In-beam tests of scintillating fibre detectors at MAMI and at GSI
The performance of scintillating fibre detectors was studied with electrons at the spectrometer facility of the Mainz microtron MAMI, as well as in a C-12 beam of 2 AGeV energy and in a beam of different particle species at GSI. Multi-anode photomultipliers were used to read out one or more bundles of 128 fibres each in different geometries. For electrons a time resolution of FWHM = 1 ns was measured in a single detector plane with a detection efficiency epsilon > 99%. A time resolution of 310 ps (FWHM) between two planes of fibres was achieved for carbon ions, leading to a FWHM = 220 ps for a single detector. The hit position residual was measured with a width of FWHM = 0.27 mm. The var…
Pion electroproduction in the 3He(e,é π+)3H reaction at intermediate energies
Abstract The differential coincident pion electroproduction cross section in the 3 He(e,e π + ) 3 H reaction has been measured with high resolution with the three-spectrometer set-up at the Mainz Microtron (MAMI) electron accelerator. Measurements were performed at the four incident energies E 0 = 855, 675, 600, and 555 MeV at fixed four-momentum transfer Q 2 = 0.045 GeV 2 , with the pions detected in parallel kinematics. This enables a separation of the measured cross section into the transverse and longitudinal structure functions by means of the Rosenbluth method. The experimental data are compared to model calculations, in which the elementary pion production amplitude includes the stan…
Silicon Detector Telescope for proton detection in electron scattering reactions at MAMI
Abstract A new Silicon Detector Telescope has been constructed and installed within the experimental facility of the A1 collaboration at Mainz Microtron, with the goal to detect low-energy protons. It consists of seven silicon layers for energy and angle measurement and a plastic scintillator for triggering purposes. The detector subtends a solid angle up to 88 msr, depending on the distance from the target and covers the proton kinetic energy range of 25–41 MeV with the mean energy resolution σ E = 0.47 MeV , operating at 500 kHz. Digital signal processing methods applied for energy reconstruction have been important for keeping the acceptable energy resolution at high counting rates. The…
Final State Interaction Effects in 3He(e ,e'p)
Abstract Asymmetries in quasi-elastic 3 He ( e → , e ′ p ) have been measured at a momentum transfer of 0.67 (GeV/ c ) 2 and are compared to a calculation which takes into account relativistic kinematics in the final state and a relativistic one-body current operator. With an exact solution of the Faddeev equation for the 3 He -ground state and an approximate treatment of final state interactions in the continuum good agreement is found with the experimental data.
Large recoil momenta in the D(e,e′p)n reaction
Abstract The D(e,e′p)n reaction cross section has been measured for recoil momenta ranging from 17 MeV/c up to 950 MeV/c at momentum transfers between 600 MeV/c and 700 MeV/c. At recoil momenta above 400 MeV/c, the gross features of the cross section are only reproduced if virtual nucleon excitations are included in the calculations.
Recoil Polarization and Beam-Recoil Double Polarization Measurement ofηElectroproduction on the Proton in the Region of theS11(1535)Resonance
The beam-recoil double polarization P{sub x{sup '}}{sup h} and P{sub z{sup '}}{sup h} and the recoil polarization P{sub y{sup '}} were measured for the first time for the p(e-vector,e{sup '}p-vector){eta} reaction at a four-momentum transfer of Q{sup 2}=0.1 GeV{sup 2}/c{sup 2} and a center of mass production angle of {theta}=120 deg. at the Mainz Microtron MAMI-C. With a center of mass energy range of 1500 MeV<W<1550 MeV the region of the S{sub 11}(1535) and D{sub 13}(1520) resonance was covered. The results are discussed in the framework of a phenomenological isobar model (Eta-MAID). While P{sub x{sup '}}{sup h} and P{sub z{sup '}}{sup h} are in good agreement with the model, P{sub y{sup '…
Front-End Electronics for the KAOS Spectrometer at MAMI
A new front-end electronics system has been developed for the electron arm tracking detectors in the Kaos spectrometer at the Mainz microtron MAMI. The signals of multi-anode photomultipliers are collected by 96-channel front-end boards, digitized by double-threshold discriminators and the signal time is picked up by F1 TDC chips. The system was designed to process more than 4,000 channels and to cope with the high electron flux in the spectrometer and the high count rate requirement of the detectors. A subset of 288 channels was installed and successfully used in the 2008 data taking period of the Kaos spectrometer.
Neutral Pion Threshold Production atQ2=0.05GeV2/c2and Chiral Perturbation Theory
New data are presented on the $p({e,e}^{\ensuremath{'}}p){\ensuremath{\pi}}^{0}$ reaction at threshold at a four-momentum transfer of ${Q}^{2}\phantom{\rule{0ex}{0ex}}=\phantom{\rule{0ex}{0ex}}0.05{\mathrm{GeV}}^{2}{/c}^{2}$. The data were taken with the three-spectrometer setup of the A1 Collaboration at the Mainz Microtron MAMI. The complete center of mass solid angle was covered up to a center of mass energy of 4 MeV above threshold. Combined with measurements at three different values of the virtual photon polarization $\ensuremath{\epsilon}$, the structure functions ${\ensuremath{\sigma}}_{T}$, ${\ensuremath{\sigma}}_{L}$, ${\ensuremath{\sigma}}_{\mathrm{TT}}$, and ${\ensuremath{\sigma…
Measurement of the Neutron Electric to Magnetic Form Factor Ratio atQ2=1.58 GeV2Using the ReactionHe→3(e→,e′n)pp
A measurement of beam helicity asymmetries in the reaction $^{3}\stackrel{\ensuremath{\rightarrow}}{\mathrm{He}}(\stackrel{\ensuremath{\rightarrow}}{e},{e}^{\ensuremath{'}}n)pp$ is performed at the Mainz Microtron in quasielastic kinematics to determine the electric to magnetic form factor ratio of the neutron ${G}_{E}^{n}/{G}_{M}^{n}$ at a four-momentum transfer ${Q}^{2}=1.58\text{ }\text{ }{\mathrm{GeV}}^{2}$. Longitudinally polarized electrons are scattered on a highly polarized $^{3}\mathrm{He}$ gas target. The scattered electrons are detected with a high-resolution magnetic spectrometer, and the ejected neutrons are detected with a dedicated neutron detector composed of scintillator ba…
High-momentum components in the 1p orbitals of 16O
Abstract We have investigated that part of the proton momentum distribution of 16O that is linked through the (e, e′p) reaction to low-lying discrete states in 15N. The MAMI facility with its new generation of 100%-duty-cycle electron accelerator has allowed to cover in this experiment the previously not accessible momentum range of 265
Measurement of the Beam-Helicity Asymmetry in thep(e→,e′p)π0Reaction at the Energy of theΔ(1232)Resonance
In a p((e) over right arrow, e' p)pi(0) out-of-plane coincidence experiment at the three-spectrometer setup of the Mainz Microtron MAMI, the beam-helicity asymmetry has been precisely measured around the energy of the Delta(1232) resonance and Q(2) = 0.2(GeV/c)(2). The results are in disagreement with three up-to-date model calculations. This is interpreted as a lack of understanding of the nonresonant background, which in dynamical models is related to the pion cloud.
Evidence for narrow Δ0(1232) states in the 12 C(e,e'pπ−}11 C Reaction
The reaction 12C(e,e'Δ0)11C →12C(e,e'pπ−)11C was investigated at the Mainz Microtron MAMI in a triple coincidence measurement using the three spectrometer setup of the A1 Collaboration. The good missing mass resolution of σm= 0.27 MeV/c2 allowed to select the events belonging to the ground state of 11C. Cutting on these events the excitation energy spectra of 12CΔ0 show evidence for two peaks of about 4 MeV width (FWHM) at 282 MeV and 296 MeV with a significance of about 4.5 standard deviations. The peaks are interpreted in a simple weak coupling model as bound Δ0 states in 12CΔ0.
Forward-AngleH3e(e,e′π±)Coincident Electroproduction and the Search forΔ's in the Ground State ofH3e
Forward-angle coincident electroproduction cross sections of charged pions from ${}^{3}\mathrm{He}$ have been measured at electron energies ${E}_{0}\phantom{\rule{0ex}{0ex}}=\phantom{\rule{0ex}{0ex}}855$, 675, 600, and 555 MeV. The overall features of the data for energy transfers of $\ensuremath{\omega}\phantom{\rule{0ex}{0ex}}=\phantom{\rule{0ex}{0ex}}370$ to 430 MeV with pions detected along the momentum transfer axis are reproduced in terms of a microscopic model, including pole terms, final state rescattering and produced and preformed $\ensuremath{\Delta}$ resonances. Separation of the cross section into its longitudinal and transverse parts was performed at ${Q}^{2}\phantom{\rule{0ex…
First measurements of Λ and hyperons in elementary electroproduction at MAMI
Abstract Since 2008 the magnetic spectrometer Kaos , dedicated to the detection of charged kaons, is operating at the 1.5 GeV electron beam of MAMI at the Institut fur Kernphysik in Mainz, Germany. The strangeness programme performed in 2008–9 is addressing some important issues in the field of elementary kaon photoelectro-production reactions. The identification of Λ and Σ 0 hyperons in the missing mass spectra from kaon production off a liquid hydrogen target demonstrates the capability of the extended facility to perform strangeness electro-production spectroscopy at low momentum transfers Q 2 0.5 ( GeV / c ) 2 . Systematic uncertainties in the cross-section extraction from the data are …
"Table 1" of "Lowest Q**2 measurement of the gamma* p --> delta reaction: Probing the pionic contribution."
Measured value of SIG(C=T) + EPS*SIG(C=L) as a function of the pion angle relative to the virtual photon direction.
"Table 6" of "Precise pion electroproduction in the p (e, e-prime pi+) n reaction at W = 1125-MeV"
Angle PHI(P=4) is the angle between the scattering plane (defined by 1 and 3 particles) and the reaction plane (defined by 4 and 5 particles).
"Table 4" of "Precise pion electroproduction in the p (e, e-prime pi+) n reaction at W = 1125-MeV"
Angle PHI(P=4) is the angle between the scattering plane (defined by 1 and 3 particles) and the reaction plane (defined by 4 and 5 particles).
"Table 2" of "Precise pion electroproduction in the p (e, e-prime pi+) n reaction at W = 1125-MeV"
Angle PHI(P=4) is the angle between the scattering plane (defined by 1 and 3 particles) and the reaction plane (defined by 4 and 5 particles).
"Table 5" of "Precise pion electroproduction in the p (e, e-prime pi+) n reaction at W = 1125-MeV"
Angle PHI(P=4) is the angle between the scattering plane (defined by 1 and 3 particles) and the reaction plane (defined by 4 and 5 particles).
"Table 3" of "Precise pion electroproduction in the p (e, e-prime pi+) n reaction at W = 1125-MeV"
Angle PHI(P=4) is the angle between the scattering plane (defined by 1 and 3 particles) and the reaction plane (defined by 4 and 5 particles).
"Table 5" of "Lowest Q**2 measurement of the gamma* p --> delta reaction: Probing the pionic contribution."
Unpolarized cross sections as a function of the azimuthal pion angle relative to the virtual photon direction from which the extracted results were taken (to be published).
"Table 3" of "Lowest Q**2 measurement of the gamma* p --> delta reaction: Probing the pionic contribution."
Measured value of SIG(C=LT) as a function of the pion angle relative to thevirtual photon direction.
"Table 1" of "Precise pion electroproduction in the p (e, e-prime pi+) n reaction at W = 1125-MeV"
Angle PHI(P=4) is the angle between the scattering plane (defined by 1 and 3 particles) and the reaction plane (defined by 4 and 5 particles).
"Table 4" of "Lowest Q**2 measurement of the gamma* p --> delta reaction: Probing the pionic contribution."
Measured value of SIG(C=LTP) as a function of the pion angle relative to the virtual photon direction.
"Table 2" of "Lowest Q**2 measurement of the gamma* p --> delta reaction: Probing the pionic contribution."
Measured value of SIG(C=TT) as a function of the pion angle relative to thevirtual photon direction.
"Table 7" of "Lowest Q**2 measurement of the gamma* p --> delta reaction: Probing the pionic contribution."
Unpolarized cross sections as a function of the azimuthal pion angle relative to the virtual photon direction from which the extracted results were taken (to be published).
"Table 6" of "Lowest Q**2 measurement of the gamma* p --> delta reaction: Probing the pionic contribution."
Unpolarized cross sections as a function of the azimuthal pion angle relative to the virtual photon direction from which the extracted results were taken (to be published).