David González-cutre

A Self-Determined Exploration of Adolescents’ and Parents’ Experiences Derived From a Multidimensional School-Based Physical Activity Intervention

Purpose: Adolescents’ and parents’ experiences within a multidimensional school-based physical activity intervention grounded on self-determination theory were explored. Method: Qualitative data from 29 adolescents (aged 15–17 years) and three parents on behalf of the total students’ families were collected via participant observation (research diary), semistructured interviews, and focus groups. Results: Adolescents perceived that the application of motivational strategies, based on self-determination theory, satisfied their basic psychological needs for autonomy, competence and relatedness, favored self-determined motivation, and gave rise to adaptive consequences (improved physical activ…

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Promoción de la actividad física a través del modelo trans-contextual de la motivación

Actualmente existe suficiente evidencia que da apoyo teórico y empírico almodelo trans-contextual de la motivación (MTC) como una teoría eficiente parapredecir la actividad física (AF). A partir de los postulados del MTC, el objetivode este trabajo fue presentar estrategias motivacionales para promocionar la AFdel alumnado en edad escolar. Concretamente, se muestran diferentes estrategiasque pueden ser coordinadas desde el área de educación física (EF) con el fin depromocionar la AF en el contexto escolar (clases de EF y el resto de horario lectivo no destinado a EF) y en el contexto de ocio del alumnado. Las estrategiasirán dirigidas a satisfacer las necesidades psicológicas básicas, que s…

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Testing the need for novelty as a candidate need in basic psychological needs theory

The purpose of this research was to test novelty as a candidate basic psychological need according to the inclusion criteria established within basic psychological needs theory (BPNT). Two cross-sectional studies with 303 (Mage = 33.50, SD = 12.95; 58.41% female) and 598 (Mage = 35.47, SD = 11.89; 54.18% female) Spanish adults were conducted in physical exercise and general life contexts with the following aims: (1) to analyze relations between novelty satisfaction/frustration and well-being outcomes; (2) to examine the mediating role of motivation (autonomous, controlled, and amotivation) in these relations; and (3) to study whether these associations held regardless of the importance part…

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Active commuting to school among 36,781 Spanish children and adolescents: A temporal trend study.

This study examines trends in the rates of active commuting to school (ACS) in Spanish children (n = 18 343; 8.93 ± 1.68) and adolescents (n = 18 438; 14.11 ± 1.58) aged 6‐18 years from 2010 to 2017. Given the study period included the economic crisis in Spain (2008‐2013), the second aim of this study was to compare ACS rates during and after the economic crisis. Data were obtained from 28 studies conducted across Spain. The overall trends in ACS were evaluated using multilevel logistic regression analysis. Among Spanish children and adolescents, the rates of ACS to school ranged around 60% between 2010 and 2017. The rates of ACS in Spanish youth did not change significantly during the 2010…

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