A. Boni
Consensus protocol for EEG and amplitude-integrated EEG assessment and monitoring in neonates
The aim of this work is to establish inclusive guidelines on electroencephalography (EEG) applicable to all neonatal intensive care units (NICUs). Guidelines on ideal EEG monitoring for neonates are available, but there are significant barriers to their implementation in many centres around the world. These includebarriers due to limited resources regarding the availability of equipment and technical and interpretive round-the-clock personnel. On the other hand, despite its limitations, amplitude-integrated EEG (aEEG) (previously called Cerebral Function Monitor [CFM]) is a common alternative used in NICUs.The Italian Neonatal Seizure Collaborative Network (INNESCO), working with all nation…
Pandemic influenza A/H1N1 virus in a swine farm house in Sicily, Italy.
This report describes a pandemic A/H1N1 (H1N1 pdm) virus outbreak occurred in December, 2009 in a swine farm used as research facility (Istituto Mediterraneo Trapianti e Terapie ad Alta Specializzazione) for preclinical studies, located in Sicily, Italy. All the 13 pigs of the farm, showed cough, fever, inappetence and weakness. At the same time, an unvaccinated worker of the stabling showed influenza-like symptoms. RNAv extracted from two swabs collected from infected pigs resulted positive by Real Time RT-PCR for Influenza A virus. Furthermore, after growth on embryonated eggs, viral isolates were identified by Real Time RT-PCR specific for H1N1 pdm virus and characterized antigenically. …
Virus influenzali H1N1pdm e riassortanti isolati dal suino
Sin dai primi giorni della circolazione del virus pandemico H1N1-2009 nella popolazione, è stata segnalata la trasmissione del virus dall’uomo a specie animali diverse (suino, tacchino, cane, gatto). La trasmissione di virus influenzali dall’uomo agli animali non rappresenta solo un problema limitato al settore zootecnico, ma un problema di sanità pubblica per il ruolo di “serbatoio” dei virus influenzali rappresentato da tali specie. Il suino non ha sinora dimostrato un ruolo epidemiologico importante nella diffusione di (H1N1)pdm all’uomo; tuttavia ciò non esclude, che a seguito dell’evoluzione virale, o di fenomeni di riassortimento, da tale specie emergano e si trasmettano all’uomo viru…
Rapid sequencing and genetic analysis of the pandemic (H1N1)V influenza virus circulating in pigs in Italy
will continue to pose challenge to public health and scientifi c community. General concern exists about possible mutation or reassortment between the H1N1pdm and infl uenza viruses circulating in human and animal, giving rise to more transmissible or pathogenic viruses. Emergence of resistance during antiviral treatment is a wellrecognised phenomenon in infl uenza viruses; surveillance for emergence of resistant viruses is of importance for monitoring this potential public health problem in the context of the H1N1 pandemic. Thus preparedness to identify new strains would require fast sequencing of the full genome of virus. Here we present an optimised workfl ow for rapid sequencing of the …