O. Maggio
Influence of mobile phone electromagnetic fields on TEOAEs recordings
A Multifactorial pattern for the understanding of the psychological development of the child with impaired hearing and its clinical-therapeutic implications
The Authors propose a multifactorial pattern for the understanding of the psychological development of the child with impaired hearing. According to this pattern the psychological development is determined by a variety of factors that can be regrouped intothree categories: • family features • aspects concerning the rehabilitation and the acoustic prosthesis • social and socio-environmental factors. In order to apply an effective action it is necessary to consider the interaction of the different factors and to adapt the therapeutic plan to that particular situation.
Unilateral sensorineural hearing loss in scholastic age subjects: Psychopedagogical aspects
The Authors want to assess a probable significant relation between the unilateral sensorineural hearing loss and some learning difficulties and language acquisitions, often found, through our observation, in impaired children. The Authors have examined a group of subjects in their scholastic age who have this kind of hearing loss and, through several dialogues with them, they have gathered some relevant data about the difficulties that children have at school, and drawn up a questionnaire.