Aril Slotte
Eight decades of adaptive changes in herring reproductive investment: the joint effect of environment and exploitation
Abstract Reproductive investment is a central trait for population dynamics and productivity. Fishing and environmental variations are major drivers affecting population structure, dynamics, and adaptation of life-history and behavioural traits. However, those factors are often considered independently, and few studies take into account their joint effect. In this study, we investigate the contribution of environment, fishing pressure, and intra-specific competition to variation in the reproductive investment of the Norwegian spring-spawning herring (Clupea harengus), a stock that has been fished for centuries, and monitored for decades. Reproductive investment and post-spawning weight were…
Seasonal dynamics of atlantic herring (Clupea harengus L.) populations spawning in the vicinity of marginal habitats
Published version of an article from the journal PLoS One. Also available from the publisher: http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0111985 Gillnet sampling and analyses of otolith shape, vertebral count and growth indicated the presence of three putative Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus L.) populations mixing together over the spawning season February–June inside and outside an inland brackish water lake (Landvikvannet) in southern Norway. Peak spawning of oceanic Norwegian spring spawners and coastal Skagerrak spring spawners occurred in March–April with small proportions of spawners entering the lake. In comparison, spawning of Landvik herring peaked in May–June with high proportions f…
Individual habitat transitions of Atlantic herring Clupea harengus in a human-modified coastal system
Published version of an article from the journal: Marine Ecology Progress Series. Also available from Inter Research. Http://dx.doi.org/10.3354/meps11103 Pelagic marine fish often display highly dynamic migration patterns. However, such movement behaviour is usually studied at the population or school level, while less is known about individual movement characteristics and habitat transitions. During March 2012 to June 2013, we used acoustic tags and moored receivers to monitor the behaviour of Atlantic herring Clupea harengus L. (N = 47) throughout a range of habitats on the Skagerrak coast in southern Norway. Five of the tagged herring entered a former lake transformed into an artificial …
Oogenesis and reproductive investment of Atlantic herring are functions of not only present but long-ago environmental influences as well
Following general life history theory, immediate reproductive investment (egg mass × fecundity/body mass) in oviparous teleosts is a consequence of both present and past environmental influences. This clarification questions the frequent use of season-independent (general) fecundity formulas in marine fish recruitment studies based on body metrics only. Here we test the underlying assumption of no lag effect on gametogenesis in the planktivorous, determinate-fecundity Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) displaying large plasticity in egg mass and fecundity, examining Norwegian summer–autumn spawning herring (NASH), North Sea autumn-spawning herring (NSAH), and Norwegian spring-spawning herri…
Metapopulation dynamics in Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus L.) along the coast of southern Norway and in the local area of Landvikvannet
Data from: Seasonal dynamics of Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus L.) populations spawning in the vicinity of marginal habitats
Gillnet sampling and analyses of otolith shape, vertebral count and growth indicated the presence of three putative Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus L.) populations mixing together over the spawning season February–June inside and outside an inland brackish water lake (Landvikvannet) in southern Norway. Peak spawning of oceanic Norwegian spring spawners and coastal Skagerrak spring spawners occurred in March–April with small proportions of spawners entering the lake. In comparison, spawning of Landvik herring peaked in May–June with high proportions found inside the lake, which could be explained by local adaptations to the environmental conditions and seasonal changes of this marginal hab…