L. Fontaine

Gérer les adventices dans les systèmes de grandes cultures biologiques - Retour d’expériences du Réseau RotAB ITAB

National audience

research product

Accompagner les réseaux DEPHY-FERME et DEPHY EXPE dans la caractérisation de l’effet des systèmes de culture sur la flore adventice

To characterize weed pressure in agricultural fields of the DEPHY Ecophyto networks, the "weeds" working group of the CASIMIR project, helped by crop and weed experts working for the french crop institutes, developed two methods (CASIMIR DEPHY­FARM and CASIMIR DEPHY­EXPE) to survey weeds in main crops. The objectives of these methods are: (i) with short­term concern, assess the efficacy of farming practices to manage weeds within the crop season, (ii) with long­term concern, assess the effect of cropping system (farming practices and crop sequence) on the dynamic of the weed communities. The CASIMIR DEPHY­FARM method is based on walk away surveys made within a 2000­m² reference plot where t…

research product

Gérer l’ambroisie à feuilles d’armoise en agriculture biologique

Managing common ragweed in organic agriculture Common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) is an invasive plant native to North America, capable of developing rapidly in many environments: agricultural fields, roadsides, construction sites, wastelands, riverbanks. Pollen, emitted at the end of summer, causes strong allergic reactions in sensitive people (rhinitis, asthma, etc.). It is also a threat to agriculture, as this annual plant can cause significant yield losses if it is not controlled. A study was conducted to analyze the practices of organic farmers in arable crop systems to control ragweed, as well as their level of knowledge of this plant according to their location. The results …

research product