A. Amico Roxas

Water status and gas exchange of pistachio trees under different irrigation levels

The aim of this study was to investigate the physiological responses of pistachio trees to varying water supply in the attempt to identify reliable parameters to manage irrigation. Three different irrigation regimes were applied to 25-year-old pistachio trees of cultivar 'Bianca' on P. terebinthus rootstock. Midday stem water potential (ΨSWP), leaf relative water content (RWC), light-saturated net CO2assimilation (An), stomatal conductance (gs), and ambient conditions were monitored throughout the season, and light response curves of net photosynthesis were constructed. To reflect tree water status, trees were separated into three classes of ΨSWP, no deficit (ΨSWP> -1.5 MPa), mild defici…

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Sustainability of pistachio production (Pistacia vera L.) under supplemental irrigation in a Mediterranean climate

Abstract The objective of this study was to examine the effects of supplemental micro-irrigation, in a commercial rainfed orchard, on tree water status, gas exchange and productivity of Pistacia vera L. (cv Bianca) grafted on P. terebinthus. Irrigating with 10–15% of estimated full evaporative demand significantly increased average annual productivity by increasing yield in the on-crop year of this alternate bearing species. Irrigation increased yield by 30%, resulting in 1600 kg of in-shell product per ha. Irrigation delayed leaf senescence while flower bud abscission was not reduced until the third year of experiment. Irrigation did not improve gas exchange during Stage I (pericarp growth…

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Seasonal changes in starch content in pistachio organs as related to crop load

The alternate bearing in pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) results from inflorescence buds abscission differentiated on current season growth during the year of heavy crop. Inflorescence bud drop has been directly correlated with the presence of fruits on 1-year shoot, and in particular with the kernel grow that acts as the major sink of nutrients. Experimental evidences suggest the involvement of competition between reproductive organs for the available resources. The annual carbohydrates storage was analysed in mature pistachio trees characterized by low, medium and high crop load (about 1, 7 and 11 kg tree(-1) of dry in-shell nuts). The experiment was carried out in 2013 in a commercial pista…

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A carbon budget model to predict branch carbohydrate deficiencies as a function of water stress and crop load in pistachio (Pistacia veraL.)

The effect of irrigation and crop load on alternate bearing was studied in pistachio tree using a “branch carbon budget model” developed to calculate branch carbohydrate balance. Experiences were conducted in Sicily (37°26’N, 14°03’E, 360 m a.s.l.) on female trees of ‘Bianca’. Two treatments were applied: rainfed (T0) and 100 mm of irrigation (T100). At 29, 44, 65, 86, 103 and 121 DAFB, on one fully expanded leaf selected on three trees per treatment, were monitored leaf gas exchanges. At 15 days interval, three branches treatment-1 were excised and, in the lab, the following parameters were measured: total photosynthetically active leaf surface; number of leaves, fruits, shoot fresh weight…

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Study of energetic properties of different tree organs in six Olea europaea L. cultivars

AbstractPruning is an important horticultural practice for the management of olive orchards (Olea europaea L.) that generates a considerable amount of residues every year. Olive orchards are increasingly expanding beyond the Mediterranean Basin to new growing Countries (Australia, California, Argentina, Chile and Uruguay) and this will certainly lead to larger availability of pruning material. Currently, the interest in use of olive tree pruning residues for energy purposes is increasing but unfortunately, the information on the differences among organs of the tree, in terms of calorific value and ash content, is scarce. Another unknown aspect is the effect of cultivar vigour on dry matter …

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