Mehmet Karakuş

Paratransgenic manipulation of tsetsemiR275alters the physiological homeostasis of the fly’s midgut environment

AbstractTsetse flies are vectors of parasitic African trypanosomes (Trypanosomaspp.). Current disease control methods include fly-repelling pesticides, trapping flies, and chemotherapeutic treatment of infected people. Inhibiting tsetse’s ability to transmit trypanosomes by strengthening the fly’s natural barriers can serve as an alternative approach to reduce disease. The peritrophic matrix (PM) is a chitinous and proteinaceous barrier that lines tsetse’s midgut. It protects the epithelial cells from the gut lumen content such as food and invading trypanosomes, which have to overcome this physical barrier to establish an infection. Bloodstream form trypanosomes shed variant surface glycopr…

research product

Paratransgenic manipulation of a tsetse microRNA alters the physiological homeostasis of the fly’s midgut environment

Tsetse flies are vectors of parasitic African trypanosomes, the etiological agents of human and animal African trypanosomoses. Current disease control methods include fly-repelling pesticides, fly trapping, and chemotherapeutic treatment of infected people and animals. Inhibiting tsetse’s ability to transmit trypanosomes by strengthening the fly’s natural barriers can serve as an alternative approach to reduce disease. The peritrophic matrix (PM) is a chitinous and proteinaceous barrier that lines the insect midgut and serves as a protective barrier that inhibits infection with pathogens. African trypanosomes must cross tsetse’s PM in order to establish an infection in the fly, and PM struc…

research product