M. Soffer
Improved Induction Tree Training for Automatic Lexical Categorization
This paper studies a tuned version of an induction tree which is used for automatic detection of lexical word category. The database used to train the tree has several fields to describe Spanish words morpho-syntactically. All the processing is performed using only the information of the word and its actual sentence. It will be shown here that this kind of induction is good enough to perform the linguistic categorization.
Automatically Modeling Linguistic Categories in Spanish
This paper presents an approach to process Spanish linguistic categories automatically. The approach is based in a module of a prototype named WIH (Word Intelligent Handler), which is a project to develop a conversational bot. It basically learns category usage sequence in a sentence. It extracts a weighting metric to discriminate most common structures in real dialogs. Such a metric is important to define the preferred organization to be used by the robot to build an answer.