Braunstein S
Verschlußikterus: histologische Diagnostik durch perkutane endoluminale Gallengangsbiopsie
32 forceps biopsies were performed in 30 patients with obstructive jaundice during percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage procedures. In one patient an adequate specimen could not be obtained. In 25 of the remaining 31 cases diagnosis was confirmed histologically (malignant tumours: n = 22, benign stricture: n = 3). In 6 patients false-negative results were obtained. Transluminal biopsy is an easily performed adjunct to percutaneous transhepatic diagnostic interventions with minimal additional discomfort for the patient. In many cases percutaneous needle biopsy can be avoided. Forceps biopsy enables nonoperative histological diagnosis of small carcinomas of the bile ducts.
Hochauflösende Dünnschicht-CT zum präoperativen Staging beim Rektumtumor: Vergleich mit der endo-luminalen Sonographie und der Histologie
Rectal carcinomas are amongst the most common malignant tumours. The aim of this work was to determine whether high resolution CT with thin sections (1 mm) can provide satisfactory delineation of perirectal tumour infiltration. Correct determination of local tumour spread was possible in four out of nine patients and distinction between those tumours confined to the rectal wall and those infiltrating the perirectal tissues was possible in four out of eight patients.