Robert Kowalik

Application of the PHREEQC Program to Assess the Chemical Stability of Tap Water in Kielce

Badania przeprowadzono na próbkach wody w Kielcach pochodzące z dwóch ujęć: Białogon i Zagnańsk. Przedstawiono wyniki wybranych wskaźników dla tych wód, m.in. najważniejszych wpływających na ich stabilność chemiczną, tj. wapnia lub magnezu. Następnie, za pomocą programu PHREEQC, obliczono wskaźniki stabilności dla wód w Kielcach z dwóch ujęć, o których mowa. W kolejnym etapie sprawdzono poprawność metody badania wody za pomocą programu poprzez bilans jonowy wody i porównanie pH wyznaczonej wody z wartością wyznaczoną w wyniku obliczeń. Dla wyżej wymienionych czynności przygotowano tabele i obliczenia, na podstawie których wyciągnięto odpowiednie wnioski

research product

Results of targeted temperature management of patients after sudden out‐of‐hospital cardiac arrest: a comparison between intensive general and cardiac care units

ABSTRACT Background: Targeted temperature management (TTM) is used to treat patients after sudden out‑of‑hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA). Aims: The aim of the study was to compare the results of TTM between intensive general and cardiac care units (ICCUs). Methods: The Polish Registry of Therapeutic Hypothermia obtained data on 377 patients with OHCA from 26 centers (257 and 120 patients treated at the ICCU and intensive care unit [ICU], respectively). Eligibility for TTM was based on the current inclusion criteria for therapy. Medical history as well as data on TTM and additional treatment were analyzed. The main outcomes included in‑hospital survival and complications as well as neurologic…

research product

In-Hospital and One-Year Outcomes of Patients after Early and Late Resuscitated Cardiac Arrest Complicating Acute Myocardial Infarction—Data from a Nationwide Database

The prognostic role of early (less than 48 h) resuscitated cardiac arrest (ErCA) complicating acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is still controversial. The present study aimed to analyse the short-term and one-year outcomes of patients after ErCA and late resuscitated cardiac arrest (LrCA) compared to patients without cardiac arrest (CA) complicating AMI. Data from the prospective nationwide Polish Registry of Acute Coronary Syndromes (PL-ACS) were used to assess patients with resuscitated cardiac arrest (rCA) after AMI. Baseline clinical characteristics and the predictors of all-cause death were assessed. The all-cause mortality rate, complications, performed procedures, and re-hospitalisa…

research product


Sewage sludge is a by-product of wastewater treatment processes. However, it has high fertilising and soil-forming properties, but it cannot always be used for this purpose. The two main criteria limiting their natural use are heavy metals and parasite eggs. Sewage sludge taken from the Daleszyce wastewater treatment plant has been analysed for heavy metals. For this purpose a space analysis was performed to divide the total metal content into four mobility fractions. The mobility issue determines the ability of an element, or one of its forms, to move in the environment. The studies were performed using a four-stage BCR procedure. The results were analyzed and compared to the limits applic…

research product