Application of the PHREEQC Program to Assess the Chemical Stability of Tap Water in Kielce
Badania przeprowadzono na próbkach wody w Kielcach pochodzące z dwóch ujęć: Białogon i Zagnańsk. Przedstawiono wyniki wybranych wskaźników dla tych wód, najważniejszych wpływających na ich stabilność chemiczną, tj. wapnia lub magnezu. Następnie, za pomocą programu PHREEQC, obliczono wskaźniki stabilności dla wód w Kielcach z dwóch ujęć, o których mowa. W kolejnym etapie sprawdzono poprawność metody badania wody za pomocą programu poprzez bilans jonowy wody i porównanie pH wyznaczonej wody z wartością wyznaczoną w wyniku obliczeń. Dla wyżej wymienionych czynności przygotowano tabele i obliczenia, na podstawie których wyciągnięto odpowiednie wnioski
Prediction of BOD5 content of the inflow to the treatment plant using different methods of black box - the case study
The publication presents the possibility of modeling in a 1 d advance of the content of organic compounds in the influent wastewater to the treatment plant, where the content of these compounds is determined by both the biochemical and chemical oxygen demand. To predict the quality of the wastewater at the inflow a set of indicators where used to make measurements on a daily basis. In order to develop statistical models 3 methods where used, namely: multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS), boosted trees (BT), and genetic programming (GP). The carried-out calculations showed that, to calculate the BOD5 there can only be used models developed on the basis of the value of daily wastewa…
New Indices Determining Heavy Metals Migration in a Sewage Sludge
Abstract The four step procedure developed by the European Community Bureau of Reference (BCR) is the optimum means of identifying heavy metal fractions in sewage sludge samples. Using the BCR procedure enables to get the date basing on which one can calculate metal stability index which supplies information on the strength of metal bonds with mineral organic soil components. Unfortunately, very popular formulae describing this index do not possess any theoretical justification and do not generate all values in the range of [0; 1]. Hence, in this paper one has presented new formulae describing not only the stability index but also a strictly connected with it the mobility index. In addition…
Sewage sludge is a by-product of wastewater treatment processes. However, it has high fertilising and soil-forming properties, but it cannot always be used for this purpose. The two main criteria limiting their natural use are heavy metals and parasite eggs. Sewage sludge taken from the Daleszyce wastewater treatment plant has been analysed for heavy metals. For this purpose a space analysis was performed to divide the total metal content into four mobility fractions. The mobility issue determines the ability of an element, or one of its forms, to move in the environment. The studies were performed using a four-stage BCR procedure. The results were analyzed and compared to the limits applic…