Nils Steen
MOESM2 of Prospective cohort study of early biosignatures of response to lithium in bipolar-I-disorders: overview of the H2020-funded R-LiNK initiative
Additional file 2: Appendix S2. Proposed list of instruments used for baseline clinical assessments and longitudinal monitoring of symptoms, medication adherence and lithium response.
MOESM2 of Prospective cohort study of early biosignatures of response to lithium in bipolar-I-disorders: overview of the H2020-funded R-LiNK initiative
Additional file 2: Appendix S2. Proposed list of instruments used for baseline clinical assessments and longitudinal monitoring of symptoms, medication adherence and lithium response.
MOESM1 of Prospective cohort study of early biosignatures of response to lithium in bipolar-I-disorders: overview of the H2020-funded R-LiNK initiative
Additional file 1: Appendix S1. Country and location of centres involved in R-LiNK.