Chimney and periscope grafts to facilitate endovascular treatment of aortic transection in a patient with aberrant right subclavian artery
Purpose: To report the use of parallel grafts to extend the proximal landing zone for stentgraft repair of aortic transection involving an aberrant right subclavian artery (ARSA). Case Report: A 28-year-old patient was referred for treatment of traumatic aortic transection with contained rupture at the level of an ARSA. Immediate thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR) was planned because of hemodynamic instability. To achieve rapid sealing and maintain perfusion to both subclavian arteries, a chimney stent to the left subclavian artery (LSA) and a periscope stent-graft to the ARSA were deployed successfully. After surgical repair of all fractures, the patient was discharged 1 month aft…