Eirik Rustad
"Politiker 2.0?" : en studie av lokalpolitikeres deltakelse på Facebook
Masteroppgave i offentlig politikk og ledelse- Universitetet i Agder 2012
How, Why and with Whom Do Local Politicians Engage on Facebook?
Part 2: Social Media and E-Participation; International audience; This article focuses on how, why and with whom local politicians engage on Facebook. Based on a literature review of the public sphere, eParticipation and research related to social media, we propose a theoretical framework that identifies thematic areas integral to understanding the nature of political participation. The explanatory potential of our ‘ENGAGE’ model (Exchange, Narcissist, Gather, Accented, General and Expense) is exemplified by conducting a qualitative case study focusing on politicians in a local municipality in southern Norway. The findings indicate various uses of Facebook among the respondents, and a disso…