A. Gianguzza
Palladium(II) sequestration by natural and synthetic chelating agents
Palladium belongs to the so called “Platinum group elements” (PGE), and it is normally present at very low concentration in the environment. In the last twenty years, there has been an increasing PGE demand in different fields such as medicine, electronics, jewellery and car industry. Moreover, palladium (and other PGE) is broadly used as catalyst in a wide number of reactions. The high catalytic properties of PGE favoured their use in the production of catalytic converters. Unfortunately, this caused a noticeable increasing of PGE concentration in the environment, mainly constituted by platinum, with a particular accumulation in urban areas. However, since 1993 platinum has been increasing…
Speciation of organotin compounds in NaCl aqueous solution. Interaction of mono-, di- and triorganotin(IV) cations with nucleotides 5’ monophosphates
Formation constants for complex species of mono-, di- and tri-alkyltin(IV) cations with somenucleotide 5-monophosphates (AMP, UMP, IMP and GMP) are reported, atT=25◦CandatI=0.16 mol l−1(NaCl). The investigation was performed in the light of speciation of organometalliccompounds in natural fluids in the presence of nucleotides whose biological importance is wellrecognized. The simple and mixed hydrolytic complex species formed in all the systems investigatedin the pH range 3–9 are (L=nucleotide; M=organotin cation RxSn(4−x)+, withx=1to3):ML+,ML(OH)0and ML(OH)2−for the system CH3Sn3+–L (L=AMP, IMP, UMP); ML0and ML(OH)−for the system (C2H5)2Sn2+–L (L=AMP, IMP, UMP); ML−, ML(OH)2−,MLH0and M2L(O…
Speciazione di Sn(II) in presenza di leganti O-donatori di interesse biologico
Lo stagno è il ventiquattresimo elemento più abbondante nella crosta terrestre ed ha il più elevato numero di isotopi stabili (dieci). Generalmente questo elemento non viene annoverato tra gli inquinanti più importanti, in quanto lo stagno inorganico non risulta particolarmente tossico. Tuttavia, molti dei suoi sali lo sono. Infatti, la corrosione di contenitori in stagno da parte di cibi e bevande acide ha causato in passato numerosi intossicazioni ad opera di composti solubili di questo metallo. Inoltre, la bioalchilazione dello stagno inorganico porta alla formazione di composti ancor più nocivi per l’ambiente. Per tali ragioni, per esempio, la Food Standards Agency del Regno Unito ha im…
Occurrence and concentration of PAHs in clams and sediments of the marine coastal lagoon of Ganzirri (Italy). Extraction, GC-MS analysis, distribution and sources
The distribution of selected Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in surface sediments and clams of marine coastal lagoons, called Ganzirri, located at the Sicilian coast of the, Messina's strait, has been investigated by GC/MS analysis with Selected Ion Monitoring (SIM) mode. The lagoon is characterized by abundant organic detritus, deriving from aquagenic and anthropogenic inputs. Anoxic/reduced conditions of sediments make them a preferential site for uptake and preservation of PAHs. From an eco-toxicological point of view, the aquatic ecosystem investigated appears to be moderately polluted. The investigations have been performed on the 16 PAHs recommended by US-EPA as priority pollu…
Pelargonium leaves as bioaccumulator of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons: Analysis and evaluation of sources and air quality in Palermo area
The leaves of Pelargonium zonale have been chosen because this plant is widespread in both the Mediterranean metropolitan and peripheral areas. The paper describes the analytical method, and the results concerning the determination of PAHs in Pelargonium leaves collected in the Palermo area, and their possible origins. The GC-MS method was applied, since identification of all the different compounds with spectra libraries is possible. Samples were analyzed for 22 PAHs. The reported analytical method is complete within 2 hours, and more convenient than that of other researches. Total PAH concentrations in leaves varied between 24-357 g/kg d.w. The relative abundance of the analyzed PAHs can …