Ac Frigo
Intention-to-treat survival benefit of liver transplantation in patients with hepatocellular cancer
The debate about the best approach to select patients with hepatocellular cancer (HCC) waiting for liver transplantation (LT) is still ongoing. This study aims to identify the best variables allowing to discriminate between "high-" and "low-benefit" patients. To do so, the concept of intention-to-treat (ITT) survival benefit of LT has been created. Data of 2,103 adult HCC patients consecutively enlisted during the period 1987-2015 were analyzed. Three rigorous statistical steps were used in order to create the ITT survival benefit of LT: the development of an ITT LT and a non-LT survival model, and the individual prediction of the ITT survival benefit of LT defined as the difference between…
Relapse risk factors in anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor encephalitis
Aim: To identify factors that may predict and affect the risk of relapse in anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) encephalitis. Method: This was a retrospective study of an Italian cohort of patients with paediatric (≤18y) onset anti-NMDAR encephalitis. Results: Of the 62 children included (39 females; median age at onset 9y 10mo, range 1y 2mo–18y; onset between 2005 and 2018), 21 per cent relapsed (median two total events per relapsing patient, range 2–4). Time to first relapse was median 31.5 months (range 7–89mo). Severity at first relapse was lower than onset (median modified Rankin Scale [mRS] 3, range 2–4, vs median mRS 5, range 3–5; admission to intensive care unit: 0/10 vs 3/10…
Restaging Patients With Hepatocellular Carcinoma Before Additional Treatment Decisions: A Multicenter Cohort Study
Prognostic assessment of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) at the time of diagnosis remains controversial and becomes even more complex at the time of restaging when new variables need to be considered. The aim of the current study was to evaluate the prognostic utility of restaging patients before proceeding with additional therapies for HCC. Two independent Italian prospective databases were used to identify 1,196 (training cohort) and 648 (validation cohort) consecutive patients with HCC treated over the same study period (2008-2015) who had complete restaging before decisions about additional therapies. The performance of the Italian Liver Cancer (ITA.LI.CA) prognostic score …