Intereye Spatial Relationship of Abnormal Neuroretinal Rim Locations in Glaucoma Patients from the Diagnostic Innovations in Glaucoma Study
Purpose To determine the spatial relationship in neuroretinal rim parameter values between eyes in ocular hypertensives, glaucoma suspects, and glaucoma patients. Design Observational-cross-sectional study. Methods A total of 334 eyes of 167 patients were included. All patients underwent confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopy imaging in both eyes. Intereye concordance ratio of abnormal rim sectors as classified by the Moorfield regression analysis (MRA) was calculated as the ratio of matching abnormal rim areas to the total number of abnormal rim areas. The amount of agreement was calculated for each sector separately. Results Of the right (left) eyes, 39 (39) eyes were classified “borderli…