Giusy Mocciaro
Evidence for trophic structure variability in Mediterranean coastal lagoons.
Analysis of the trophic role of primary producers in Posidonia oceanica ecosystems along the Sicilian coasts (Italy)
Valutazione degli effetti ambientali della maricoltura basata sull’analisi degli isotopi stabili di azoto
Contributo allo studio di un’area di nursery costiera attraverso la tecnica degli isotopi stabili di carbonio e azoto
Effetti della predazione di giovanili di specie ittiche sulla comunità meiobentonica in un ’area di nursery costiera (Castellammare del Golfo,Sicilia Nord Occidentale)
Approccio isotopico per lo studio dell’impatto di attività di acquacoltura in ambiente marino costiero
The origin and fate of organic matter as a tool to assess anthropogenic disturbance in coastal environments
Meiofauna and benthic microbial biomass in a semi-enclosed mediterranean marine system (Stagnone di Marsala, Italy)
Microbial and meiofaunal dynamics and their relationships with the biochemical composition of the sedimentary organic matter were investigated in a semi-enclosed marine system (Marsala lagoon, Western Sicily, Mediterranean Sea). Sediment samples were collected on a monthly basis from March 1996 to February 1997 in four stations located along a N–S transect characterized by different hydrodynamic regimes. Total sedimentary organic matter concentration ranged from 5.681.11 to 156.2812.63 mg g1, while the biopolymeric fraction of organic carbon (BPC, measured as sum of the lipids, carbohydrates and proteins) accounted for only a small fraction (24%) of total organic matter. Total meiofaunal de…