L. Zanca

Effetti del clima sul successo riproduttivo del grillaio Falco naumanni

research product

Environmental suitability model for the lanner falcon Falco biarmicus feldeggii: planning, study and monitoring the Sicilian population

The identification of suitable areas, by spatially explicit distribution models, is crucial for conservation of threatened species as the lanner falcon Falco biarmicus feldeggii. Monitoring and collecting data on lanner falcon during years has proven to be essential for better defining the areas of species environmental suitability. Recent research shows that breeding performances of this species are strongly influenced by bioclimatic factors, especially monthly temperature and rainfall, or linked to landscape morphology, such as the slope of territories. These environmental parameters combined with species productivity (number of fledged juveniles per checked pair) of geo-referenced breedi…

research product

Status of the Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos in Sicily

In the present work, we review all the relevant information since the first Regional Atlas of breeding birds (Massa 1985), and we add field data on the species occurrence and site occupancy relative to the period January 2014-December 2016, in order to update the species’ status in Sicily.

research product

Preliminary observation on use of nest boxes in protected areas of Southern Sicily

In this short note we summarize the data self-made nesting in nest boxes in two areas of NATURA 2000 in southern Sicily. The models of nest boxes considered host species during the study the following period: Falco naumanni, Falco tinnunculus, Athene noctua, Strix aluco, Sturnus unicolor, Parus major, Certhia brachydactyla, Corvus monedula, Passer montanus.

research product