F. Mancuso
Primi risultati sulla disidratazione del mango siciliano: un prodotto nuovo che fa bene alla salute
Prendendo spunto dall’essiccazione al sole, tecnica antica legata alla nostra tradizione utilizzata per conservare a lungo frutti e ortaggi, abbiamo disidratato il mango siciliano in corrente di aria calda, ottenendo un prodotto nuovo, naturale, ricco di colore, aroma e gusto
Substance P inactivation by transglutaminase in vitro.
Gamma(glutamyl5)spermine derivative of substance P (Spm-SP) was synthesized in vitro in the presence of purified guinea pig liver transglutaminase and Ca2+. The spermine adduct of the neuropeptide was purified by HPLC on a reversed-phase column and characterized by fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry. The biological activities of Spm-SP were tested by assaying, in comparison with substance P, its ability to induce both the contractions of smooth muscle in vitro and the edema formation in vivo. Spm-SP was shown not to elicit contractile responses in the isolated rat stomach strip and duodenum and not to antagonize the spasmogenic effect evoked by the native neuropeptide. Furthermore, Spm…