Nir Barnea
Hyperspherical harmonic study of identical-flavor four-quark systems
4 pages.-- ISI Article Identifier: 000248297600103.-- ArXiv pre-print available at: http://arxiv.org/abs/hep-ph/0610287
Ab initio calculation of Li7 photodisintegration
The Li7 total photoabsorption cross section is calculated microscopically. As nucleon-nucleon interaction the semi-realistic central AV4' potential with S- and P-wave forces is taken. The interaction of the final 7-nucleon system is fully taken into account via the Lorentz Integral Transform (LIT) method. For the calculation of the LIT we use expansions in hyperspherical harmonics (HH) in conjunction with the HH effective interaction (EIHH) approach. The convergence of the LIT expansion is discussed in detail. The calculated cross section agrees quite well with the available experimental data, which cover an energy range from threshold up to 100 MeV.
Zemach moments and radii of H2,3 and He3,4
We present benchmark calculations of Zemach moments and radii of $^{2,3}\mathrm{H}$ and $^{3,4}\mathrm{He}$ using various few-body methods. Zemach moments are required to interpret muonic atom data measured by the CREMA collaboration at the Paul Scherrer Institute. Conversely, radii extracted from spectroscopic measurements can be compared with ab initio computations, posing stringent constraints on the nuclear model. For a given few-body method, different numerical procedures can be applied to compute these quantities. A detailed analysis of the numerical uncertainties entering the total theoretical error is presented. Uncertainties from the few-body method and the calculational procedure …
Effective interaction method for hyperspherical harmonics
Abstract The effective interaction hyperspherical harmonics (EIHH) method [1] is outlined. Recent extensions of the approach are discussed. Results for binding energies and radii of various p-shell nuclei are shown.
Implementation of local chiral interactions in the hyperspherical harmonics formalism
With the goal of using chiral interactions at various orders to explore properties of the few-body nuclear systems, we write the recently developed local chiral interactions as spherical irreducible tensors and implement them in the hyperspherical harmonics expansion method. We devote particular attention to three-body forces at next-to-next-to leading order, which play an important role in reproducing experimental data. We check our implementation by benchmarking the ground-state properties of $^3$H, $^3$He and $^4$He against the available Monte Carlo calculations. We then confirm their order-by-order truncation error estimates and further investigate uncertainties in the charge radii obta…
The deuteron-radius puzzle is alive: A new analysis of nuclear structure uncertainties
To shed light on the deuteron radius puzzle we analyze the theoretical uncertainties of the nuclear structure corrections to the Lamb shift in muonic deuterium. We find that the discrepancy between the calculated two-photon exchange correction and the corresponding experimentally inferred value by Pohl et al. [1] remain. The present result is consistent with our previous estimate, although the discrepancy is reduced from 2.6 $\sigma$ to 2 $\sigma$. The error analysis includes statistic as well as systematic uncertainties stemming from the use of nucleon-nucleon interactions derived from chiral effective field theory at various orders. We therefore conclude that nuclear theory uncertainty is…
Ab initio calculation of nuclear structure corrections in muonic atoms
The measurement of the Lamb shift in muonic hydrogen and the subsequent emergence of the proton-radius puzzle have motivated an experimental campaign devoted to measuring the Lamb shift in other light muonic atoms, such as muonic deuterium and helium. For these systems it has been shown that two-photon exchange nuclear structure corrections are the largest source of uncertainty and consequently the bottleneck for exploiting the experimental precision to extract the nuclear charge radius. Utilizing techniques and methods developed to study electromagnetic reactions in light nuclei, recent calculations of nuclear structure corrections to the muonic Lamb shift have reached unprecedented precis…
A Statistical Analysis of the Nuclear Structure Uncertainties in $$\mu $$D
The charge radius of the deuteron (D), was recently determined to three times the precision compared with previous measurements using the measured Lamb shift in muonic deuterium (\(\mu \)D). However, the \(\mu \)D value is 5.6 \(\sigma \) smaller than the world averaged CODATA-2014 value (Pohl R et al. (2016) Science 353:669 [1]). To shed light on this discrepancy we analyze the uncertainties of the nuclear structure calculations of the Lamb shift in \(\mu \)D and conclude that nuclear theory uncertainty is not likely to be the source of the discrepancy.
Do c(c)over-barn(n)over-tilde bound states exist?
The four-quark system c (c) over barn (n) over tilde is studied in the framework of the constituent quark model. Using different types of quark-quark potentials, we solve the four-body Schrodinger equation by means of the hyperspherical harmonic formalism. Exploring the low laying J(PC) states for different isospin configurations no four-quark bound states have been found. Of particular interest is the possible four-quark structure of the X(3872). We rule out the possibility that this particle is a compact tetraquark system, unless additional correlations, either in the form of diquarks or at the level of the interacting potential, not considered in simple quark models do contribute.
Four-quark stability
The physics of charm has become one of the best laboratories exposing the limitations of the naive constituent quark model and also giving hints into a more mature description of meson spectroscopy, beyond the simple quark--antiquark configurations. In this talk we review some recent studies of multiquark components in the charm sector and discuss in particular exotic and non-exotic four-quark systems, both with pairwise and many-body forces.
Inclusive electron scattering off 4He
Inclusive electron scattering off 4He is investigated for low and medium energy and momentum transfers. The final state interaction, given by the simple semirealistic Malfliet-Tjon potential, is treated rigorously applying the Lorentz Integral Transform (LIT) method. Besides the nonrelativistic one-body current a consistent meson exchange current is constructed and implemented. Results are presented for both longitudinal and transverse response functions at various momentum transfers. Good agreement with experimental data is found for the longitudinal response function, while some strength is missing in the transverse response function on the low-energy side of the quasi-elastic peak.