Mireia Gil Raga
Biomarcadores clínico-patológicos y moleculares en cáncer de colon en estadios iniciales: análisis en biopsias líquidas y en tejido tumoral. Implicaciones pronósticas
En España, el CCR es el tercer tumor más prevalente en hombres y el segundo en mujeres, siendo el tumor más prevalente teniendo en cuenta ambos sexos. La detección serológica de autoanticuerpos contra antígenos asociados al tumor ha sido ampliamente estudiada en la búsqueda de potenciales biomarcadores diagnósticos y pronósticos. La baja sensibilidad individual de cada autoanticuerpo hace que no resulten útiles como método diagnóstico del CCR. Hasta el momento, las guías internacionales sólo recomiendan el uso del marcador tumoral CEA en el seguimiento de los pacientes intervenidos, ya que una elevación de su valor en este periodo puede alertar sobre una posible recidiva de la enfermedad. D…
Impact of burn-out syndrome in oncology staff and its improvement through specific interventions.
249 Background: Burn-Out Syndrome (BOS) is defined by: emotional and physical exhaustion; cynicism and depersonalization; and no personal nor professional fulfillment. With increasing incidence, it impacts negatively in the patient attention quality and the quality of institutional processes. Few experiences reported about its incidence and impact in Medical Oncology. Lack of resources for its diagnosis and management. Our objective was to determine the incidence of the BOS in our workers, analyze its causes and try to reduce in 20% the percentage of workers suffering or at risk of suffering BOS. Developed as a Quality Training Program (ASCO - ECO Foundation) project. Methods: 23 nurses/nu…
Role of RAS mutation status as a prognostic factor for patients with advanced colorectal cancer treated with first-line chemotherapy based on fluoropyrimidines and oxaliplatin, with or without bevavizumab: A retrospective analysis
The role of Kirsten rat sarcoma viral oncogene homolog (KRAS) and neuroblastoma RAS viral oncogene homolog (NRAS) mutations as negative predictors for anti-epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) therapies in metastatic colorectal cancer (CRC) has been firmly established. However, whether the RAS mutation status plays a role as a biomarker for anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) treatment remains controversial. Data from 93 CRC patients who received first-line cytotoxic chemotherapy with fluoropyrimidines and oxaliplatin, with or without bevacizumab, were analyzed. We investigated the association between the RAS mutation status and clinical outcomes in terms of response rate, pro…