G.a. González-sprinberg
Normal and transverse single tau polarization at the Z-peak
Abstract We study normal (to the collision plane) and transverse (within the collision plane) single-τ polarization in τ pairs produced in e + e − unpolarized collisions at the Z -resonance. The transverse polarization component is sensitive to the anomalous weak-magnetic moment, whereas the normal polarization component is sensitive to a CP-violating weak-electric dipole moment. We show how these components of the single τ polarization are accessible from the angular distribution of its decay products. We define a CP violating asymmetry of the τ decay products which, with 10 7 Z ′s produced, provides a sensitivity of 2.3 × 10 −18 e ·cm for the weak-electric dipole moment.
Primakoff scattering for polarized photons or polarized protons
Abstract We present a way to measure the axial coupling of the proton for the neutral strangeness current in coherent π0 production induced by photon-proton scattering. By means of the γ−Z−π0 triangle anomaly, the parity violating asymmetries for polarized photon or polarized proton Primakoff effect filter the couplings so as to leave the proton axial coupling only. We calculate the relevant observables induced by the electroweak interference and give results for regions of energy and Q2 of possible experimental interest. The polarized proton asymmetry is predicted to be 10−6-10−5 when Q2 ∼ 0.1−0.5 GeV2.