F. Herbert

A reexamination of the equilibrium conditions in the theory of water drop nucleation

The thermodynamic equations necessary to describe the conditions for equilibrium between a highly curved surface of a liquid and its vapour are re-examined. The complete equilibrium behaviour is reduced to one single differential equation for each component in an arbitrary c -component system. It is shown that this general formulation can be specialized to describe the conditions for equilibrium between water vapour and a pure water drop, the drop carrying an electric charge, containing a water soluble substance and/or containing a water insoluble nucleus. In the light of the present formulation, some incorrect physical statements of treatments by various authors reported in literature are …

research product

An analytical study of the ageostrophic motion of an air parcel

The complete ageostrophic motion of an individual air parcel is discussed. It is shown that the general velocity solution of the equation describing this motion may be expressed in terms of the well-known series approximation of Philipps and a rest term; this term describes the inertial motion of the air parcel about a given initial state.

research product

A Theoretical Model to Describe the Motion of Aerosol Particles Due to the Combined Action of Inertia, Brownian Diffusion and Phoretic and Electric Forces

Abstract General principles of non-equilibrium thermodynamics are used to formulate a model which describes the motion of aerosol particles affected simultaneously by Brownian diffusion, inertial impaction, electric forces and phoretic forces. The theory presented applies to an ideal mixture consisting of dry air, water vapor and aerosol particles where temperature, pressure as well as vapor and particle concentration inhomogeneities are to be considered. In addition, the system is subjected to the earth's gravity, to an external electric field as well as to a Coulomb force due to a charged collecting water drop. The basic model assumptions are as follows: 1) the diffusive kinetic energy of…

research product