Straight and tilted implants for supporting screw-retained full-arch dental prostheses in atrophic maxillae : a 2-year prospective study
Background To evaluate, over a 2-year period, the treatment outcomes for maxillary full-arch fixed dental prostheses (FDPs) supported by a combination of both tilted and axially-placed implants and to compare the marginal bone loss (MBL) and implant survival rates (SR) between tilted and axial implants. Material and Methods A retrospective study has been carried out. Thirty-two patients (16 males and 16 females) treated with maxillary full-arch FDPs were included in this retrospective study. A total of 187 implants were inserted to rehabilitate the fully edentulous maxillary arches: 36% of them were tilted (T group, n = 68) and the remaining 64% were axially placed (A group, n = 119). From …