Katja Ilmarinen

Sosiaalipalvelualan yrittäjien työkyky, työtyytyväisyys ja lopettamisaikeet

Sosiaalipalvelut on kasvava toimiala Suomessa ja yksityisille palveluille ennustetaan kasvavaa kysyntää. Yrittäjien työkyky ja työtyytyväisyys on pohja menestyvälle yritystoiminnalle ja palvelujen hyvälle laadulle. Aiempien tutkimusten perusteella tiedämme, että sosiaalialan yrittäjät voivat hyvin Suomessa. Pitkät työpäivät, hoito- ja hallintotyön yhtäaikaisuus, asiakkuuksien epävarmuus sekä työn ja perhe-elämän yhteensovittamisen ongelmat asettavat uhkia työkyvylle ja yrittäjämotivaatiolle. Suurten yritysten tulo markkinoille muuttaa kilpailuasetelmia. Tässä tutkimuksessa tuotettiin tietoa suomalaisten sosiaalipalvelualan yrittäjien työkyvystä, työtyytyväisyydestä, yrittäjämotivaatiosta ja…

research product

Vanhusten perhehoidon jännitteet

Varsinais-Suomen Eläkkensaajien piirikokouksessa hyväksyttiin julkilausuma, jossa jyrkästi tuomittiin vanhusten perhehoitosuunnitelmat. Sitä pidettiin paluuna huutolaisaikaan, jolloin lapsia ja vanhuksia "myytiin" halvimman tarjoajan antaneelle. Eläkkeensaajien mielestä monimuotoiset vanhuspalvelut tulee tuottaa pääoskin julkaisen hallinnon toimesta, koska palvelujen kaupallistaminen johtaa lisääntyvässä määrin niihin laadullisiin ongelmiin, joista nyt tiedotusvälineet päivittäin kertovat. (Eläkkeensaajien Keskusliiton Varsinais-Suomen piirin syyskokous Turussa 23.11.2012) nonPeerReviewed

research product

Defoliation and patchy nutrient return drive grazing effects on plant and soil properties in a dairy cow pasture

Large herbivores can influence plant and soil properties in grassland ecosystems, but especially for belowground biota and processes, the mechanisms that explain these effects are not fully understood. Here, we examine the capability of three grazing mechanisms-plant defoliation, dung and urine return, and physical presence of animals (causing trampling and excreta return in patches)-to explain grazing effects in Phleum pratense-Festuca pratensis dairy cow pasture in Finland. Comparison of control plots and plots grazed by cows showed that grazing maintained original plant-community structure, decreased shoot mass and root N and P concentrations, increased shoot N and P concentrations, and …

research product

Does plant growth phase determine the response of plants and soil organisms to defoliation?

Abstract To test a hypothesis that the effects of defoliation on plant ecophysiology and soil organisms depend on the timing of defoliation within a growing season, we established a greenhouse experiment using replicated grassland microcosms. Each microcosms was composed of three plant species, Trifolium repens , Plantago lanceolata and Phleum pratense , growing in grassland soil with a diverse soil community. The experiment consisted of two treatment factors—defoliation and plant growth phase (PGP)—in a fully factorial design. Defoliation had two categories, i.e. no trimming or trimming a total of four times at 2 week intervals. The PGP treatment had four categories, i.e. 1, 3, 7 or 13 wee…

research product

Belowground responses by AM fungi and animal trophic groups to repeated defoliation in an experimental grassland community

Abstract We tested a hypothesis that the effects of defoliation on plants and soil organisms vary with the number of successive defoliations. We established a 23-week greenhouse experiment using replicated grassland microcosms that were composed of three plant species, Trifolium repens , Plantago lanceolata and Phleum pratense , growing together in grassland soil with a diverse soil community. The experiment consisted of two treatment factors-defoliation and harvest time-in a fully factorial design. The defoliation treatment had two levels, i.e. no trimming and trimming of plants every 2 weeks, and the harvest time five levels, i.e. harvests after 1–3, 5 and 7 trimmings. Shoot production (t…

research product

Soil feedback does not explain mowing effects on vegetation structure in a semi-natural grassland

Due to its ability to create aboveground conditions that favour plant diversity, mowing is often used to preserve the high conservation value of semi-natural species-rich grasslands. However, mowing can also affect belowground conditions. By decreasing plant carbon supply to soil, mowing can suppress the activity of soil decomposers, diminish plant nutrient availability and thus create a feedback on plant growth. In this study, we first documented the effects of three-year mowing on plant community structure in a species-rich grassland. We found that mowing decreased the total areal cover of woody plants and increased the total cover of leguminous forbs. At the species level, mowing further…

research product

Long-term soil feedback on plant N allocation in defoliated grassland miniecosystems

Abstract Defoliation of plants is known to have effects on soil organisms and nutrient availability in grassland communities, but few studies have examined whether changes in soil attributes can further feed back to plant growth and plant nutrient content. To examine defoliation-induced soil feedbacks, we established replicated miniecosystems with a grass Phleum pratense , defoliated half of the systems, collected soil from both defoliated and non-defoliated systems and planted new seedlings into each soil. The two soils did not differ in promoting shoot and root growth. However, seedlings that grew in the soil collected from defoliated systems had higher shoot N content, allocated relative…

research product

Variable impacts of enchytraeid worms and ectomycorrhizal fungi on plant growth in raw humus soil treated with wood ash

Abstract An increasing amount of evidence shows the context dependent nature of various biotic interactions across terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. We established a laboratory experiment to study whether the effects of Cognettia sphagnetorum (Enchytraeidae) and ectomycorrhizal fungi on Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) seedling growth are influenced by wood ash application. Acidic coniferous forest soil was treated with wood ash at 5000 kg ha−1 or left as ash-free control and inoculated with soil saprotrophic microbes and nematodes. The microcosms were destructively sampled 26 and 51 weeks after initiation of the experiment. We measured enchytraeid and pine seedling biomass, abundance of nem…

research product

Do interactions with soil organisms mediate grass responses to defoliation?

Abstract Defoliation-induced changes in grass growth and C allocation are known to affect soil organisms, but how much these effects in turn mediate grass responses to defoliation is not fully understood. Here, we present results from a microcosm study that assessed the role of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi and soil decomposers in the response of a common forage grass, Phleum pratense L., to defoliation at two nutrient availabilities (added inorganic nutrients or no added nutrients). We measured the growth and C and N allocations of P. pratense plants as well as the abundance of soil organisms in the plant rhizosphere 5 and 19 d after defoliation. To examine whether defoliation affected…

research product

Defoliation and plant-soil interactions in grasslands

FM Katja Ilmarinen tutki väitöskirjassaan, mitä kasveissa ja maaperässä tapahtuu kasvien versomassan poiston eli defoliaation seurauksena. Ilmarisen tutkimissa niittyekosysteemeissä defoliaatio tarkoittaa tyypillisimmin niittoa tai laidunnusta.Kasvilaji, versomassan poiston ajoitus kasvukaudella ja maaperän ravinnepitoisuus vaikuttavat siihen, mitä muutoksia kasveissa tapahtuu versomassan poiston seurauksena. Niitto vähentää juurten massaa olosuhteista riippumatta, mutta sen vaikutus juurten typpipitoisuuteen vaihtelee sen sijaan tutkimusoloista riippuen. Esimerkiksi, vähäravinteisessa maassa kasvavien kasvien typpipitoisuus kasvaa versomassan poiston seurauksena, kun taas runsasravinteises…

research product

Role of Soil Organisms in the Maintenance of Species-Rich Seminatural Grasslands through Mowing

To preserve species-rich grasslands, management practices such as mowing are often required. Mowing is known to promote aboveground conditions that help to maintain plant species richness, but whether belowground effects are important as well is not known. We hypothesized that if mowing decreases belowground carbon transfer by reducing root mass, this will reduce the abundance and activity of soil decomposers and lead to diminished nutrient availability in soil. In grasslands, this would provide a means to mitigate the negative effects of nitrogen enrichment on plant species richness. We established experimental plots on grassland with one-third of plots growing untouched, one-third mowed o…

research product