Jānis Zuters
Semi-automatic Quasi-morphological Word Segmentation for Neural Machine Translation
This paper proposes the Prefix-Root-Postfix-Encoding (PRPE) algorithm, which performs close-to-morphological segmentation of words as part of text pre-processing in machine translation. PRPE is a cross-language algorithm requiring only minor tweaking to adapt it for any particular language, a property which makes it potentially useful for morphologically rich languages with no morphological analysers available. As a key part of the proposed algorithm we introduce the ‘Root alignment’ principle to extract potential sub-words from a corpus, as well as a special technique for constructing words from potential sub-words. We conducted experiments with two different neural machine translation sys…
District heating networks: enhancement of the efficiency
International audience; During the decades the district heating's (DH) advantages (more cost-efficient heat generation and reduced air pollution) overcompensated the additional costs of transmission and distribution of the centrally produced thermal energy to consumers. Rapid increase in the efficiency of low-power heaters, development of separated low heat density areas in cities reduce the competitiveness of the large centralized DH systems in comparison with the distributed cluster-size networks and even local heating. Reduction of transmission costs, enhancement of the network efficiency by optimization of the design of the DH networks become a critical issue. The methodology for determ…
Modelling Electricity Price Expectations in a Day-Ahead Market: A Case of Latvia
Abstract The paper aims at modelling the electricity generator’s expectations about price development in the Latvian day-ahead electricity market. Correlation and sensitivity analysis methods are used to identify the key determinants of electricity price expectations. A neural network approach is employed to model electricity price expectations. The research results demonstrate that electricity price expectations depend on the historical electricity prices. The price a day ago is the key determinant of price expectations and the importance of the lagged prices reduces as the time backwards lengthens. Nine models of electricity price expectations are prepared for different natural seasons an…
Can SQ and EQ Values and Their Difference Indicate Programming Aptitude to Reduce Dropout Rate?
A crucial problem that we are currently facing at the Faculty of Computing of the University of Latvia is that during the first study semester on average 30% of the first-year students drop out, whereas after the first year of studies the number of dropouts increases up to nearly 50%. Thus, our overall goal is to determine in advance applicants that most likely will not finish the first study year successfully. A hypothesis formulated in another research study was that programming aptitude could be predicted based on the results of two personality self-report questionnaires − Systemizing Quotient (SQ) and Empathy Quotient (EQ) − taken by students. The difference between the SQ and EQ scores…
Modelling of Water Supply Costs
Water supply tariffs setting is a labour intensive regulatory procedure; currently number of informative and procedural shortages and problems exist. The aim of the current research is improvement of methodology for determination of the substantiated costs for provision of water services. A working hypothesis was advanced to modernize the methodology: the specific costs (/m3) required for the provision of water services in a specific region is a variable multi-parameter function of key performance indicators. There is preferred a benchmark modelling procedure, which is based on the factual cases (declared indicators of water utilities) and synthesis of the general regularity. The model is d…
Programmētājs starp personīgo pasaules uzskatu un praktiskajiem centieniem pēc mākslīgā intelekta
Neironu tīkli stundu saraksta sastādīšanas modelī
Elektroniskā versija nesatur pielikumus