Mariam Aghababyan
Typification of names of Compositae taxa described from Sicily by Michele Lojacono Pojero
Vaillant on Compositae - systematic concepts and nomenclatural impact
On the taxonomy and nomenclature of Gnaphalium angustifolium Lam. and Helichrysum litoreum Guss. (Compositae)
Typification of Sicilian Helichrysum (Compositae) revisited
Typification of the 13 validly published, pre-1958 names of Helichrysum taxa based on Sicilian material is reassessed. Five of the types designated by Galbany-Casals & al. in their recent studies are confirmed (in some cases with additional precision), two neotypes proposed by them are superseded by lectotypes, and six lectotypes are newly designated. The correct name of the species known as H. rupestre, an illegitimate name, is H. panormitanum (or, if taken in a wide sense, H. pendulum).
Typification of names of taxa Compositae described from Sicily by Michele Lojacono Pojero
Lojacono described and named 89 new Compositae taxa (32 species, 52 varieties, 5 formae), mostly in his Flora sicula, in 1903, but sometimes in earlier, lesser known papers. In spite of problems (here discussed) to find and recognise his original material in the Palermo Herbarium (PAL), for 58 names types (mostly here designated) have been found in Palermo. Discounting 3 names typified by illustrations and 5 with lectotypes designated in Naples and Geneva, 23 remain that cannot be typified for the time being. Eleven of Lojacono’s new species names are still in use currently. Among them is Filago cuneata, long forgotten but here redeemed.