G. Lanzalone
The NUMEN project @ LNS: Status and perspectives
The NUMEN project aims at accessing experimentally driven information on Nuclear Matrix Elements (NME) involved in the half-life of the neutrinoless double beta decay (0νββ), by high-accuracy measurements of Heavy Ion (HI) induced Double Charge Exchange (DCE) reaction cross sections. In particular, the (18O,18Ne) and (20Ne,20O) reactions are used as tools for β+β+ and β−β− decays, respectively. In the experiments, performed at INFN - Laboratory Nazionali del Sud (LNS) in Catania, the beams are accelerated by the Superconducting Cyclotron (CS) and the reaction ejectiles are detected the MAGNEX magnetic spectrometer. The measured cross sections are challengingly low (a few nb), being the tota…
Recent results on heavy-ion induced reactions of interest for neutrinoless double beta decay at INFN-LNS
Abstract The NUMEN project aims at accessing experimentally driven information on Nuclear Matrix Elements (NME) involved in the half-life of the neutrinoless double beta decay (0νββ). In this view measurements of Heavy Ion (HI) induced Double Charge Exchange (DCE) reaction cross sections are performed with high-accuracy. In particular, the (18O,18Ne) and (20Ne,20O) reactions are used as tools for β+β+ and β-β- decays, respectively. In the experiments, performed at INFN - Laboratory Nazionali del Sud (LNS) in Catania, the beams are accelerated by the Superconducting Cyclotron (CS) and the reaction ejectiles are detected the MAGNEX magnetic spectrometer. The measured cross sections are challe…
Transfer reactions on light exotic nuclei studied with CHIMERA detector at LNS
The kinematical coincidence method is used to extract angular distribution of elastic scattering and transfer reactions. The detected light particle energy spectra are used to extract the angular distribution with around 1° resolution in the Center of Mass (CM) system. Examples with 10Be beam are presented. In the case of proton scattering, γ-ray coincidences are used to discriminate excited levels population from elastic scattering. © Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2014.
ASY-EOS experiment at GSI
The elliptic-flow ratio of neutrons with respect to protons in reactions of neutron rich Heavy-Ion at intermediate energies has been recently proposed as an observable sensitive to the strength of the symmetry term in the nuclear equation of state (EOS) at supra-saturation densities. The recent results obtained from the existing FOPI/LAND data for 197Au+197Au collisions at 400 MeV/nucleon in comparison with the UrQMD model allowed a first estimate of the symmetry term of the EOS but suffer from a considerable statistical uncertainty. In order to obtain an improved data set for Au+Au collisions and to extend the study to other systems, a new experiment was carried out at the GSI laboratory b…
Recent results on heavy-ion direct reactions of interest for 0νββ decay at INFN - LNS
Abstract Neutrinoless double beta decay of nuclei, if observed, would have important implications on fundamental physics. In particular it would give access to the effective neutrino mass. In order to extract such information from 0νββ decay half-life measurements, the knowledge of the Nuclear Matrix Elements (NME) is of utmost importance. In this context the NUMEN and the NURE projects aim to extract information on the NME by measuring cross sections of Double Charge Exchange reactions in selected systems which are expected to spontaneously decay via 0νββ. In this work an overview of the experimental challenges that NUMEN is facing in order to perform the experiments with accelerated beams…
The ASY-EOS experiment at GSI: Investigating the symmetry energy at supra-saturation densities
The elliptic-flow ratio of neutrons with respect to protons in reactions of neutron rich heavy-ions systems at intermediate energies has been proposed as an observable sensitive to the strength of the symmetry term in the nuclear Equation Of State (EOS) at supra-saturation densities. The recent results obtained from the existing FOPI/LAND data for $^{197}$Au+$^{197}$Au collisions at 400 MeV/nucleon in comparison with the UrQMD model allowed a first estimate of the symmetry term of the EOS but suffer from a considerable statistical uncertainty. In order to obtain an improved data set for Au+Au collisions and to extend the study to other systems, a new experiment was carried out at the GSI la…
New Results from the NUMEN Project
International audience; NUMEN aims at accessing experimentally driven information on Nuclear Matrix Elements (NME) involved in the half-life of the neutrinoless double beta decay (0νββ), by high-accuracy measurements of the cross sections of Heavy Ion (HI) induced Double Charge Exchange (DCE) reactions. First evidence about the possibility to get quantitative information about NME from experiments is found for the (^18O,^18Ne) and (^20Ne,^20O) reactions. Moreover, to infer the neutrino average masses from the possible measurement of the half-life of 0νββ decay, the knowledge of the NME is a crucial aspect. The key tools for this project are the high resolution Superconducting Cyclotron beam…
Use of fragmentation beams at LNS with CHIMERA detector
The recent intensity upgrade of the LNS fragmentation beam is discussed. The available beams, the tagging procedures and details on the beam quality are reported. The experimental program started with the CHIMERA detector using such beams is also discussed with preliminary results and future perspectives. © Owned by the authors, 2012.
Correlations between isospin dynamics and Intermediate Mass Fragments emission time scales: a probe for the symmetry energy in asymmetric nuclear matter
We show new data from the $^{64}$Ni+$^{124}$Sn and $^{58}$Ni+$^{112}$Sn reactions studied in direct kinematics with the CHIMERA detector at INFN-LNS and compared with the reverse kinematics reactions at the same incident beam energy (35 A MeV). Analyzing the data with the method of relative velocity correlations, fragments coming from statistical decay of an excited projectile-like (PLF) or target-like (TLF) fragments are discriminated from the ones coming from dynamical emission in the early stages of the reaction. By comparing data of the reverse kinematics experiment with a stochastic mean field (SMF) + GEMINI calculations our results show that observables from neck fragmentation mechani…
Kinematical coincidence method in transfer reactions
A new method to extract high resolution angular distributions from kinematical coincidence measurements in binary reactions is presented. Kinematic is used to extract the center of mass angular distribution from the measured energy spectrum of light particles. Results obtained in the case of 10Be+p-->9Be+d reaction measured with the CHIMERA detector are shown. An angular resolution of few degrees in the center of mass is obtained.
FARCOS, a new array for femtoscopy and correlation spectroscopy
Correlations between two or more particles can be used as a tool to explore the space-time features of nuclear reactions as well as spectroscopic properties of produced unbound clusters. In order to have new options to study the mentioned correlations, FARCOS (Femtoscope ARray for COrrelations and Spectroscopy) has been conceived as a compact high resolution array, composed of square telescopes. In this work the main features of FARCOS array as well as part of the physics cases are described. © Owned by the authors, 2012.
Elastic scattering studies of 16C at 50 MeV/A on proton and deuteron targets with the CHIMERA multidetector at INFN-LNS
At the Laboratori Nazionali del Sud (LNS) in Catania (Italy), light radioactive ion beams have been produced through the In Flight Fragmentation method, using 18O and 13C at 55 MeV/A as primary beams impinging on a 9Be production target. Elastic scattering angular distributions of 16C+p and 16C+d at 50 MeV/A, 10Be+p at 56 MeV/A and 13B+d at 52 MeV/A systems were measured by using the CHIMERA (Charge Heavy Ion Mass and Energy Resolving Array) multidetector and kinematical coincidence technique. The experimental data are fitted by using the optical model. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.
Mapping the detector response of the FARCOS Double – Sided Silicon Strip Detectors with monochromatic single protons
Recent results on Heavy-Ion induced reactions of interest for 0νββ decay
An updated overview of recent results on Heavy-Ion induced reactions of interest for neutrinoless double beta decay is reported in the framework of the NUMEN project. The NUMEN idea is to study heavy-ion induced Double Charge Exchange (DCE) reactions with the aim to get information on the nuclear matrix elements for neutrinoless double beta (0νββ) decay. Moreover, to infer the neutrino average masses from the possible measurement of the half- life of 0νββ decay, the knowledge of the nuclear matrix elements is a crucial aspect. Uma visão geral atualizada dos resultados recentes sobre reações induzidas por íons pesados de interesse para o decaimento beta duplo sem neutrinos é relatada na es…
Measuring nuclear reaction cross sections to extract information on neutrinoless double beta decay
Neutrinoless double beta decay (0v\b{eta}\b{eta}) is considered the best potential resource to access the absolute neutrino mass scale. Moreover, if observed, it will signal that neutrinos are their own anti-particles (Majorana particles). Presently, this physics case is one of the most important research "beyond Standard Model" and might guide the way towards a Grand Unified Theory of fundamental interactions. Since the 0v\b{eta}\b{eta} decay process involves nuclei, its analysis necessarily implies nuclear structure issues. In the NURE project, supported by a Starting Grant of the European Research Council (ERC), nuclear reactions of double charge-exchange (DCE) are used as a tool to extr…
The Farcos project: Femtoscope Array for Correlations and Femtoscopy
The Farcos project (Femtoscope Array for Correlations and Spectroscopy) is discussed in this contribution. It consists of a new detector array designed and constructed by Exochim-Chimera group at INFN of Catania and Laboratori Nazionali del Sud. The array is described in its design and scientific goals to address. Some of the first preliminary tests with radioactive sources and beams are also discussed, together with some highlights of future perspectives.
N/Z effects on evaporation residue emission near fragmentation threshold
We will discuss results concerning the fate of hot nuclear systems populated in 40,48 Ca+ 40,48 Ca reactions at 25 MeV/nucleon. Due to the complexity of events, we used the Chimera 4π device as detection system. By selecting central events of reaction, we found that the interplay between binary-like and evaporation residue emissions is strongly sensitive on the N/Z of the entrance channels. In particular, evaporation residue emission increases at increasing the neutron content of colliding system. By comparing or data with CoMD-II model calculations, we can extract information about the density depend part of Symmetry Potential in the Nuclear Equation of State at near-saturation densities.
Dalla frammentazione del neck alla fissione dinamica: gli esperimenti TimeScale e InKiIsSy al LNS
Mapping the Amplitude and Position Response of Double Sided Silicon Strip Detectors with Monocromatic Single Protons
International audience; We are currently developing a novel detection system featuring high angular and energy resolution and able to reconstruct the particles momentum at high precision for different physical cases in multi-fragmentation nuclear physics experiments, based on Double Sided Silicon Strip Detectors as ΔE stages aimed at performing also pulse shape analysis for fragments stopping therein. We carried out a detailed qualification of the performance of the strip detectors. In order to provide the detector response matrix we used a pulsed monoenergetic proton beam. The paper reviews the pulsed proton beam facility of the LaBeC of INFN - Sezione di Firenze and present the results of…
N/Z effects on40,48Ca+40,48Ca reactions at 25 MeV/nucleon
Effects related to the neutron to proton ratio (N/Z) degree of freedom in 40, 48Ca+40, 48Ca reactions at 25 MeV/nucleon have been investigated. Isotopic effect and even-odd staggering characterize the emission of light fragments at forward angles. The study of isobaric ratio 7Li/7Be for quasi-projectile source in semi-peripheral event of reactions allows moreover to investigate isospin diffusion effects in heavy ion collisions. © Owned by the authors, 2012.
NURE: An ERC project to study nuclear reactions for neutrinoless double beta decay
Neutrinoless double beta decay (0{\nu}\b{eta}\b{eta}) is considered the best potential resource to determine the absolute neutrino mass scale. Moreover, if observed, it will signal that the total lepton number is not conserved and neutrinos are their own anti-particles. Presently, this physics case is one of the most important research beyond Standard Model and might guide the way towards a Grand Unified Theory of fundamental interactions. Since the \b{eta}\b{eta} decay process involves nuclei, its analysis necessarily implies nuclear structure issues. The 0{\nu}\b{eta}\b{eta} decay rate can be expressed as a product of independent factors: the phase-space factors, the nuclear matrix elemen…
Emission of fragments in Ca+Ca reaction at 25 MeV/nucleon
We discuss experimental data concerning 40,48Ca+ 40,48Ca reactions at 25 MeV/nucleon; the 4π multi-detector Chimera has been used as detection device. Effects that can be attributed to the neutron to proton ratios (N/Z) degree of freedom have been investigated. From the analysis of experimental data it seems that the neutron richness of the interacting system plays an important role on the evolution of fusion-like sources formed in semi-central collisions. In particular, it is observed that the larger is the neutron content and the larger is the emission of heavy residues. Experimental data have been compared with CoMD-II model calculations; a moderately stiff symmetry energy should be used…
FARCOS: a versatile and modular Femtoscopy Array for Correlations and Spectroscopy
In the framework of multi-fragmentation experiments the evolution towards two- (or more) particle correlations with stable and radioactive beams calls for the development of a novel detection system featuring high angular and energy resolution and able to reconstruct the particles momentum at high precision. The proposed detection system, named FARCOS (Femtoscopy ARray for COrrelations and Spectroscopy) will be beneficial for different physical cases. To this aim we are building a prototype detection system featuring four telescopes. Each telescope features an active area of 6.4 cm × 6.4 cm and is composed of three detection stages. The first ΔE stage is a Double Sided Silicon Strip Detecto…