A. Marrone
Structure and biodiversity of a Maltese maerl bed : new insight into the associated assemblage 24 years after the first investigation
Maerl beds are biogenic benthic habitats distributed worldwide and known to sustain high productivity and biodiversity levels. In the Mediterranean, the number of studies that have been carried out is limited, and little is known on its real distribution, mostly due to the difficulties of exploring such habitats — Due to the high transparency of Mediterranean waters, maerl can be found at depths of over 50 m making mandatory the use of benthic grabs and ROVs. The last published data from Maltese waters were taken two decades ago. In this present study, we provide new insights on this poorly known habitat, in particular regarding the north western bank, designated as a NATURA 2000 protected …
Anti-fouling additives for the consolidation of archaeological mortars in underwater environment: Efficacy tests performed on the apsidal fishpond of Castrum Novum (Rome, Italy)
This paper deals with the formulation of innovative mortars for the consolidation of archeological structures in underwater environment. The research was conducted within the frame of the MaTaCoS project (Advanced materials and technologies applied to the conservation of underwater cultural heritage) funded by MISE (Italian Ministry of Economic Development). The project concerns the design of advanced tools and methods for the protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage, through specific cleaning and consolidating procedures to be applied directly in situ. The fishpond of the archaeological site of Castrum Novum (Santa Marinella, Rome, Italy) was chosen as a pilot site for experimentation. I…