Angela Papa
Nuclear structure with radioactive muonic atoms
Muonic atoms have been used to extract the most accurate nuclear charge radii based on the detection of X-rays from the muonic cascades. Most stable and a few unstable isotopes have been investigated with muonic atom spectroscopy techniques. A new research project recently started at the Paul Scherrer Institut aims to extend the highresolution muonic atom spectroscopy for the precise determination of nuclear charge radii and other nuclear structure properties of radioactive isotopes. The challenge to combine the high-energy muon beam with small quantity of stopping mass is being addressed by developing the concept of stopping the muon in a high-density, a high-pressure hydrogen cell and sub…
Measurement of the quadrupole moment of Re185 and Re187 from the hyperfine structure of muonic X rays
The hyperfine splitting of the 5g→4f transitions in muonic Re185,187 has been measured using high resolution high purity germanium detectors and compared to state-of-the-art atomic theoretical predictions. The spectroscopic quadrupole moment has been extracted using modern fitting procedures and compared to the values available in literature obtained from muonic x rays of natural rhenium. The extracted values of the nuclear spectroscopic quadrupole moment are 2.07(5) b and 1.94(5) b, respectively for Re185 and Re187.