Emergence of tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus in Italy: estimation of incidence and genetic diversity
Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus (ToLCNDV) is a bipartite begomovirus (family Geminiviridae) identified for the first time in 1995 in Asia, from where it spread into several countries of the Mediterranean basin. ToLCNDV was found in Spain in 2012, and subsequently in Tunisia and Italy. The first outbreak in Italy occurred at the end of 2015 in Trapani province (Sicily) on zucchini squashes. Then in 2016, ToLCNDV was found in infected zucchini plants in Campania, Lazio and Sardinia regions, and in 2017 in Calabria. This study addressed the dispersion and genetic diversity of ToLCNDV isolates in Italy. A total of 1400 plants were analysed. Phylogenetic analysis showed low variability among th…