Tiina Kiviniemi
Adolescents' perception of scientific inquiry in nature : a drawing analysis
This study was carried out to determine adolescents’ perception of scientific inquiry (SI) in nature and the effect of a science camp on those perceptions. Eleven science campers (14 to 16 years old) participated in this research during a science camp. Pre- and post-test included open questions and drawing tasks. The campers’ drawings were analyzed to assess their out-of-school perceptions related to SI. The aim was to clarify what phases and factors the campers associated with SI in nature, and how their perceptions differ after participating at a science camp. The findings suggest that the phases of SI were well known before the camp, but minor developments in campers’ perceptions of the …
Development of a Chemistry Concept Inventory for General Chemistry Students at Norwegian and Finnish Universities
A Chemistry concept inventory has been developed for assessing students’ learning and identifying alternative conceptions that students may have in general chemistry. The inventory aims at functioning as a tool for adjusting teaching practices in chemistry and is mainly aimed at assessing students’ learning during general chemistry courses. The inventory was administered as a post-test in a general chemistry course at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in spring 2015, and evaluated using different statistical tests, focusing both on item analysis and the test as a whole. The results from this analysis indicated that the concept inventory is a reliable and discriminati…
Evaluation of a Chemistry Concept Inventory for general chemistry students at Finnish university
A chemistry concept inventory (Chemical Concept Inventory 3.0/CCI 3.0), previously developed for use
 in Norwegian universities, was tested and evaluated for use in a Finnish university setting. The test,
 designed to evaluate student knowledge and learning of chemistry concepts, was administered as both
 pre- and posttest in first year general chemistry courses at the University of Jyväskylä. The results were
 evaluated using different statistical tests, focusing both on individual item analysis and the entire test.
 Some individual questions were found to be not discriminating or reliable enough or too difficult, yet the
 results, as a whole, indicate that th…
Dynamics behind the long-lived coherences of I2 in solid Xe.
The absorption spectrum of I2 in solid Xe shows resolved zero-phonon lines and phonon side bands near the origin of the B←X transition (550-625 nm). The long-lived |B⟩⟨X| coherence in this energy range (T2 = 600 fs on average) emerges as vibrationally unrelaxed fluorescence in resonance Raman (RR) spectra. Upon excitation in the structureless continuum at 532 nm, the oscillatory RR progression exhibits electronic dephasing time of T2 = 150 fs. Two RR progressions with markedly different vibrational coherence on the X-state are observed. The main progression of sharp overtones (T221 ps) is assigned to molecules trapped in double-substitution sites. The minor progression, which shows dephasin…
Formation of HXeO in a xenon matrix: Indirect evidence of production, trapping, and mobility of XeO (1 1Σ+) in solid Xe
IR spectroscopy, laser induced fluorescence (LIF), and thermoluminescence (TL) measurements have been combined to monitor trapping, thermal mobility, and reactions of oxygen atoms in solid xenon. HXeO and O(3) have been used as IR active species that probe the reactions of oxygen atoms. N(2)O and H(2)O have been used as precursors for oxygen atoms by photolysis at 193 nm. Upon annealing of matrices after photolysis, ozone forms at two different temperatures: at 18-24 K from close O ...O(2) pairs and at approximately 27 K due to global mobility of oxygen atoms. HXeO forms at approximately 30 K reliably at higher temperature than ozone. Both LIF and TL show activation of oxygen atoms around 3…
Time-resolved coherent anti-Stokes Raman-scattering measurements of I2 in solid Kr: vibrational dephasing on the ground electronic state at 2.6-32 K.
Time-resolved coherent anti-Stokes Raman-scattering (CARS) measurements are carried out for iodine (I2) in solid krypton matrices. The dependence of vibrational dephasing time on temperature and vibrational quantum number v is studied. The v dependence is approximately quadratic, while the temperature dependence of both vibrational dephasing and spectral shift, although weak, fits the exponential form characteristic of dephasing by pseudolocal phonons. The analysis of the data indicates that the frequency of the pseudolocal phonons is approximately 30 cm(-1). The longest dephasing times are observed for v = 2 being approximately 300 ps and limited by inhomogeneous broadening. An increase in…
Time resolved CARS measurements of I2 in solid Kr
Dephasing is a central concept in condensed phase spectroscopy. It determines how long a system will maintain its coherence. The dephasing time of a system is determined by dynamic intermolecular interactions, and therefore measurements of dephasing time can provide information on interactions and couplings between a molecule and its environment. This chapter illustrates the application of the femtosecond coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) method to investigate the vibrational dephasing of I 2 in solid krypton. Dephasing of vibrational states between v = 2 and v = 16 is studied in the temperature range T = 2.6–32 K. The low vibrational states show dephasing times on the order of a…
Iodine−Benzene Complex as a Candidate for a Real-Time Control of a Bimolecular Reaction. Spectroscopic Studies of the Properties of the 1:1 Complex Isolated in Solid Krypton
The properties of the 1:1 iodine-benzene complex isolated in a solid Kr matrix at low temperatures have been studied using UV-vis absorption, FTIR, resonance Raman, and femtosecond coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy (fs-CARS). The use of all these techniques on similar samples provides a wide view on the spectroscopic properties of the complex and allows comparison and combination of the results from different methods. The results for the complex cover its structure, the changes in the iodine molecule's vibrational frequencies and electronic absorption spectrum upon complexation, and the dynamics of the complexed I(2) molecule on both ground and excited electronic states. In addition, …
From Monomer to Bulk: Appearance of the Structural Motif of Solid Iodine in Small Clusters
Formation of iodine clusters in a solid krypton matrix was studied using resonance Raman spectroscopy with a 1 cm(-1) resolution. The clusters were produced by annealing of the solid and recognized by appearance of additional spectral transitions. Two distinct regions, red-shifted from the fundamental vibrational wavenumber of the isolated I(2) at 211 cm(-1), were observed in the signal. The intermediate region spans the range 196-208 cm(-1), and the ultimate region consists of two peaks at 181 and 190 cm(-1) nearly identical to crystalline I(2). The experimental results were compared to DFT-D level electronic structure calculations of planar (I(2))(n) clusters (n = 1-7). The dimer, trimer,…
Opiskelijoiden hyvinvointi osana kemian opiskelua
Student Life -konsepti on Jyväskylän yliopistossa vuonna 2009 käyttöön otettu opiskelijoiden kokonaisvaltaista hyvinvointia ja opiskelukykyä tukeva toimintamalli. Jyväskylän yliopiston kemian laitoksella konseptia toteutetaan erityisesti huolehtimalla ensimmäisen vuoden opiskelijoiden opintojen etenemisestä sekä opiskelutaitojen ja opiskeluympäristön kehittämisestä. Student Life -konseptiin liittyvät myös opiskelijoiden hyvinvointineuvojat eli Hyvikset, jotka tarjoavat laitoksella konkreettista matalan kynnyksen ohjausta hyvinvointiin, opiskelukykyyn ja elämän eri osa-alueiden haasteisiin liittyen. Hyvis-toiminta on noussut yhdeksi merkittäväksi tekijäksi opiskelijoiden motivaatiossa ja sit…
Femtosecond coherent anti-Stokes Raman-scattering polarization beat spectroscopy of I2–Xe complex in solid krypton
Time-resolved coherent anti-Stokes Raman-scattering (CARS) measurements are carried out to study the interaction between xenon atom and iodine molecule in a solid krypton matrix. Interference between the CARS polarizations of the "free" and complexed iodine molecules is observed, while the quantum beats of the complex are not detected due to low concentration. Vibrational analysis based on the polarization beats yields accurate molecular constants for the I2-Xe complex. The harmonic frequency of the I2-Xe complex is found to be redshifted by 0.90 cm-1 when compared to the free I2, whereas the anharmonicity is approximately the same. The dephasing rate of the complex is found to be somewhat …
Keitä opetamme ja mitä he oppivat? Käsite- ja asennetestit kemian peruskurssien opetuksen arvioinnin ja kehittämisen työkaluina
Jotta opetusta voidaan tehokkaasti kehittää, tulisi tuntea sekä opiskelijoiden lähtötaso että opiskelijoiden ajattelussa tapahtuvat muutokset kurssin aikana. Jyväskylän yliopiston kemian laitoksella selvitettiin näitä asioita kahdella testillä, joista toinen mittasi kemian käsitteiden ymmärtämistä ja toinen opiskelijoiden käsityksiä ja asenteita kemian oppimiseen liittyen. Kokeilu toteutettiin syksyllä 2016 kahdella ensimmäisellä kemian perusopintojen kurssilla siten, että opiskelijat testattiin ensimmäisen kurssin alussa ja toisen kurssin lopussa. Tässä artikkelissa esitellään testituloksia opiskelijoiden ajattelusta sekä siinä tapahtuneista muutoksista kurssien aikana ja pohditaan näiden …
Impulsive excitation of high vibrational states in I2–Xe complex on the electronic ground state
Abstract High vibrational states, up to ν = 22, are excited and investigated on the ground electronic state of a 1:1 I 2 –Xe complex isolated in solid Kr using femtosecond CARS technique and spontaneous resonant Raman measurements. The results show that this system is a promising candidate for investigations of coherent control of bimolecular reactions by using vibrational wavepackets on the ground electronic state.
Vibrational characterization of the 1:1 iodine-benzene complex isolated in solid krypton.
The structure and properties of a 1:1 iodine-benzene complex isolated in an inert krypton matrix at low temperature have been studied with infrared and resonance Raman spectroscopy and with MP2 calculations. The structure of the ground-state complex is found to be unsymmetric, and the I-I vibrational frequency is found to be red-shifted by 3.94 cm(-1) upon complexation. The experimental data agree well with computational results, leading to the conclusion that the I2-Bz complex structure is not axial but of above-bond type, identically with other halogen-benzene complexes.