Maria Pecoraro
Eettinen kuluttaminen kulutuskulttuurissa
The aim of this dissertation is to contribute to our knowledge and understanding of the various meanings of ethical consumption constructed in consumer culture, especially from consumers’ viewpoint. This doctoral thesis belongs to the field of cultural and interpretive consumption research (CCT). The research consists of an introductory essay and three articles, of which two are published in academic journals. The introductory essay presents the general research task, conceptual framework, and methodological choices and discussion to conclude the main results of the dissertation. The research included in this dissertation uses qualitative methods and applies discursive content analysis, geo…
Täsmäratkaisuja kestävään tulevaisuuteen : suosituksia planetaarisen hyvinvoinnin tukemiseen poliittisessa ohjelmatyössä
Peer reviewed
Experiencing ethical retail ideology in the servicescape
Studies of the ideological underpinnings of retail stores have improved our understanding of consumers’ retail experiences in brand and national ideology contexts. In retailing, ideology is manifested in retail spatial settings through tangible and intangible cues in servicescapes. This study expands our knowledge on ethical retail ideology by exploring how servicescapes convey cues that shape consumption experiences and foster ethical consumption. Data from an ethnographic study highlight how consumption experiences in physical retail spaces embedding a particular ethical ideology can be thematised as aesthetics, nostalgia and care. We show that the material and discursive aspects in servi…
Eettisen ruoan kulutuksen diskurssit suomalaisessa mediassa
Exploring the everyday retail experience: The discourses of style and design
In contrast to earlier studies focusing on spectacular retail store environments, this study concentrates on examining ordinary retail stores and everyday retail experiences. The article explores how different sorts of retail environments influence consumers' experience and behaviour. The research uses a comparative case study and employs the theoretical framework of geosemiotics. Investigating three different stores from the perspective of architectural style reveals that cultural meanings are firmly attached to interior style design, and these can be traced in customers' retail experiences. Our findings suggest, firstly, that stores' focusing solely on functional aspects such as the effic…
Conflicting values of ethical consumption in diverse worlds - A cultural Approach
This paper examines the plurality of ethical consumption and aims to illustrate how consumers cope with its complexity in the context of everyday food consumption. This study seeks to outline the tensions that consumers inevitably face when pursuing ethical choices and to shed light on the various ways in which they solve these tensions in the rhythms of everyday life. The research applies Boltanski and Thévenot's theory of orders of worth as an interpretive framework. The research data has been collected from Finnish online discussion forums in which consumers debate various aspects of ethical food consumption. The analysis indicates that the participants in the discussions recognize vario…
Eettinen kuluttaminen kulutuskulttuurissa
Kauppatieteiden tohtori, filosofian maisteri Maria Pecoraron markkinoinnin alaan kuuluva väitöskirja ”Eettinen kuluttaminen kulutuskulttuurissa” tarkastettiin 9.12.2016 Jyväskylän yliopistossa. nonPeerReviewed