Teija Lukkari
Yksittäisen hoitokäynnin tarkastelusta pitkäaikaissairaan vuorovaikutussuhteiden verkoston tarkasteluun
Hospitalistista apua viestinnän koordinointiin?
Lääkärin viestintä konkretisoi hoidon usein monimutkaisen kokonaisuuden potilaalle. Voisiko hospitalisti tukea potilaan ja hänen läheistensä osallistumista hoitokeskusteluun ja varmistaa hoitosuunnitelman ymmärtämistä? nonPeerReviewed
University as a workplace: searching for meaningful work
Work in academia is changing, and research suggests that not all the changes are desirable. Higher education is developing in a direction heavily criticized, especially in relation to the concepts of neoliberal and academic capitalism. In this article, we explore meaningful work in a university context. Our focus lies on individual lecturers’ positive opportunities to make work meaningful and the university a better place to work for both students and faculty. We examine meaningful work as a relational phenomenon: how meaningfulness is constructed through features such as dialogue, expertise, interaction and sharing of ideas. Our empirical findings are based on analysis of qualitative and q…
Feeling Good and Being Inspired on Campus : Meaningful Work in Academia
Theories related to good and caring organisations have gained interest amongst researchers. In particular, the concept of meaningful work has been under discussion recently in academia. This study contributes to knowledge of the concept of meaningful work by examining it from the perspective of good and caring organisations in the higher education context. Our focus this chapter is on the positive opportunities individual lecturers have to make their own work meaningful and to promote their students’ experiences of meaningfulness. The empirical findings are based on the analysis of qualitative data collected from a management course with special attention to relational features, such as dia…