Marc Bardin

Review of factors influencing the success or failure of biocontrol: technical, industrial and socio-economic perspectives

Communication orale au 11. IOBC-WPRS Meeting of the working group "Biological control of fungal and bacterial plant pathogens". Climate change: challenge or threat to biocontrol?, 2010/06/07-11 ; Graz (AUT).; International audience; Although their role in plant health management is still quite modest, ever increasing expectations are placed on biocontrol agents for the complementation or replacement of pesticide use. Despite decades of research and more than 12,000 scientific papers on biological control of plant diseases, little more than 14 microbe-based commercial products are presently registered for use against diseases in the European Union. Through a review of published scientific li…

research product

Microbiology and atmospheric processes: research challenges concerning the impact of airborne micro-organisms on the atmosphere and climate

 Cet article a fait l'objet d'une discussion dans "Morris, C. E., Sands, D. C., Bardin, M., Jaenicke, R., Vogel, B., Leyronas, C., Ariya, P. A., and Psenner, R.: Microbiology and atmospheric processes: an upcoming era of research on bio-meteorology, Biogeosciences Discuss., 5, 191-212, doi:10.5194/bgd-5-191-2008, 2008."; International audience; For the past 200 years, the field of aerobiology has explored the abundance, diversity, survival and transport of micro-organisms in the atmosphere. Micro-organisms have been explored as passive and severely stressed riders of atmospheric transport systems. Recently, an interest in the active roles of these micro-organisms has emerged along with prop…

research product

Peut-on se passer du cuivre en protection des cultures biologiques ?

Le cuivre est utilisé pour contrôler diverses maladies fongiques ou bactériennes, principalement sur vigne, en productions fruitières et en cultures légumières. Il constitue la seule substance active à effet fongicide fort et gamme d’action large homologuée en agriculture biologique. Or la mise en évidence d’effets environnementaux négatifs du cuivre, notamment sur les organismes du sol, a conduit à des restrictions réglementaires d’usage (plafonnement des doses autorisées), et même à son interdiction comme pesticide dans certains pays d’Europe du Nord. De ces restrictions croissantes à l’emploi du cuivre, qui posent des difficultés notamment aux producteurs qui ne peuvent recourir à des fo…

research product

Perspectives : projets de recherche en cours et à développer

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