Supra-esophageal manifestations of gastroesophageal reflux, a different diagnostic approach and an indication for laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication: our experience
24-hour oesophageal pH monitoring with a dual pH probe is considered to be the most sensitive test for diagnosing GORD-related otolaryngological manifestations. In this study we evaluate an initial diagnostic approach with digital videofluorography associated to the water siphon test and primary "ex juvantibus" therapy with proton pump inhibitors for patients with supra-oesophageal symptoms of GORD. The results of Nissen fundoplication surgical treatment are also assessed in some of these patients. Two hundred and thirty patients with suspected GORD-related supra-oesophageal symptoms were referred for videofluorography and the water siphon test. When hiatal hernia and/or reflux were found, …