T. Czosnyka

Coulomb excitation of $^{78}$Kr

Expérience à JYFL cyclotron (Jyväskylä, Finlande); The Kr isotopes are considered to be among the best cases for shape coexistence studies in the mass A$\sim$70 region. Our campaign to investigate in detail the development of the shape coexistence in the neutron deficient Kr isotopes was started with the stable nucleus $^{78}$Kr. To obtain the information about the intrinsic shape, Coulomb excitation experiments were performed. A total of 26 matrix elements were determined for $^{78)$Kr. Simple geometrical and algebraic models do not reproduce all details of the electromagnetic structure. A good interpretation of the complex structure of the nucleus with competing oblate and prolate shapes …

research product

Absence of structure in the $^{20,22}$Ne + $^{118}$Sn quasi-elastic barrier distribution

Abstract Motivated by the extreme deformation parameters of the projectile, we have measured quasi-elastic scattering for 20 Ne +  118 Sn. In contrast to calculations based on known collective states, the experimental barrier distribution is structureless. A comparison with the system 22 Ne +  118 Sn shows that this smoothing is unlikely to be due to nucleon- or α -transfer channels, and is more likely to be due to coupling to many other weak channels.

research product

The Structure of Heavy Octupole and Superheavy Quadrupole Deformed Nuclei

We report here experimental attempts to determine the sign of the electric dipole moment (relative to the electric octupole moment) in the octupole deformed nucleus 226Ra. Sensitivity to this quantity is observed in the measured yields of γ-ray transitions following very low energy Coulomb excitation. Recent progress is also reported in the development of new spectroscopic techniques that promise to elucidate the structure of deformed superheavy nuclei in the region of 254No. The 4+ → 2+ transition in 254No, as well as higher spin transitions, has been identified using recoil-tagged conversion electron spectroscopy. peerReviewed

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