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In-beam spectroscopy of $^{253,254}$No

In-beam conversion electron spectroscopy experiments have been performed on the transfermium nuclei 253,254No using the conversion electron spectrometer SACRED in nearly collinear geometry in conjunction with the gas-filled separator RITU at the University of Jyvaskyla. The experimental setup is discussed and the spectra are compared to Monte Carlo simulations. The implications for the ground-state configuration of 253No are discussed.

research product

Structure of rotational bands in 253No

In-beam gamma-ray and conversion electron spectroscopic studies have been performed on the 253 No nucleus. A strongly coupled rotational band has been identified and the improved statistics allows an assignment of the band structure as built on the $\ensuremath 9/2^-[734]_{\nu}$ ground state. The results agree with previously known transition energies but disagree with the tentative structural assignments made in earlier work.

research product

In-beam electron spectrometer used in conjunction with a gas-filled recoil separator

The conversion-electron spectrometer SACRED has been redesigned for use in conjunction with the RITU gas-filled recoil separator. The system allows in-beam recoil-decay-tagging (RDT) measurements of internal conversion electrons. The performance of the system using standard sources and in-beam is described.

research product

Recoil-isomer tagging techniques at RITU

Techniques have been developed to study isomeric states in nuclei with the use of RITU (gas filled separator) at the University of Jyvaskyla. The first was the recoil-isomer tagging technique initially, utilised by D.M. Cullen to study the K π = 8− isomeric state in 138Gd [1]. The juro-sphere array was employed in conjunction with ritu and a focal plane array which consisted of several Compton-suppressed Germanium detectors, placed in close geometry around a multi wire proportional counter (mwpc) and a silicon strip detector used for the implantation of recoiling nuclei. This technique correlates prompt and delayed γ-ray transitions across isomeric states and identifies the lifetime of the …

research product

The Structure of Heavy Octupole and Superheavy Quadrupole Deformed Nuclei

We report here experimental attempts to determine the sign of the electric dipole moment (relative to the electric octupole moment) in the octupole deformed nucleus 226Ra. Sensitivity to this quantity is observed in the measured yields of γ-ray transitions following very low energy Coulomb excitation. Recent progress is also reported in the development of new spectroscopic techniques that promise to elucidate the structure of deformed superheavy nuclei in the region of 254No. The 4+ → 2+ transition in 254No, as well as higher spin transitions, has been identified using recoil-tagged conversion electron spectroscopy. peerReviewed

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High K bands in mid-supershell nuclei

The spectrum of prompt conversion electrons emitted by excited 254No nuclei has been measured, revealing discrete lines arising from transitions within the ground state band. A striking feature is a broad distribution that peaks near 100 keV and comprises high multiplicity electron cascades, probably originating from M1 transitions within rotational bands built on high K states. Evidence for the existence of isomeric states in 254No is presented. peerReviewed

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