Antonella Gagliano

Il trattamento dell’insonnia in eta’ evolutiva: report clinico e revisione della letteratura

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La tesi analizza la nuova architettura costituzionale della governance economica europea come ridefinita dalle più recenti riforme europee predisposte al fine di contrastare la crisi economico-finanziaria dell’area euro e il suo impatto sull’assetto costituzionale dell’Unione europea e degli Stati Membri. La tesi, articolata in quattro capitoli e redatta interamente in lingua inglese, ripercorre le tappe salienti dell’evoluzione dell’Unione Economica e Monetaria, analizza le principali disposizioni della “costituzione economica” dell’Unione europea e contiene un’esposizione, in chiave critica, delle principali misure adottate dall’Unione europea per contrastare la crisi economica della zona…

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Dislessia e correlati psicopatologici

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1H-NMR-Based Metabolomics in Autism Spectrum Disorder and Pediatric Acute-Onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome

We recently described a unique plasma metabolite profile in subjects with pediatric acute-onset neuropsychiatric syndrome (PANS), suggesting pathogenic models involving specific patterns of neurotransmission, neuroinflammation, and oxidative stress. Here, we extend the analysis to a group of patients with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), as a consensus has recently emerged around its immune-mediated pathophysiology with a widespread involvement of brain networks. This observational case-control study enrolled patients referred for PANS and ASD from June 2019 to May 2020, as well as neurotypical age and gender-matched control subjects. Thirty-four PANS outpatients, fifteen ASD outpatients, an…

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The Introduction of the “Balanced Budget” Principle into the Italian Constitution: What Perspectives for the Financial Autonomy of Regional and Local Governments?

This paper analyses the impact on regional and local authorities of Articles 117 and 119 of the Italian Constitution as amended by Constitutional Law no. 1/2012. In particular, it attempts to verify whether the new formulation of these constitutional provisions materializes the risk of a significant reduction in the financial autonomy of both Regions and Local Governments. With the constitutional reform the legislative competence of “harmonization of public account” has become an exclusive State competence, the “balanced budget” principle has been extended to Regions and local authorities and public borrowing has been broadly prohibited. What is the actual significance of the changes introd…

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Reading–writing disorder in children with idiopathic epilepsy

Abstract Several studies have documented learning disabilities (LDs) in subjects with epilepsy, who have been shown to be at greater risk of mild neuropsychological damage, with the consequent risk of academic failure. This retrospective study aimed to investigate the peculiarities of reading and writing disorders in subjects with idiopathic epilepsy. The reading and writing performance of 35 children affected by reading and writing disorders and idiopathic epilepsy (R/WD + E group) has been compared with the performance of 37 children with only reading and writing disorders (R/WD group). A comparison group of 22 typical developing healthy children (TDC group) was also included in the study…

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Impact of Three Kinds of Early Interventions on Developmental Profile in Toddlers with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism spectrum disorder is a neurodevelopmental disorder with a rising prevalence disorder. This high-cost/high-burden condition needs evidence-based behavioral treatments that are able to reduce the impact of symptoms on children’s functioning. This retrospective chart review study compared the impact of different types of early interventions on toddlers diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder developmental profile. Analyses were conducted on 90 subjects (mean = 27.76 months, range 18–44 months; M:F = 4.29:1), of which 36 children underwent the usual treatment, 13 children underwent an intervention based on early intensive behavioral intervention (EIBI) and 41 children rece…

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ADHD e dislessia: caratteristiche del disturbo specifico dell'apprendimento in un campione di soggetti con ADHD.

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One-Year Follow-Up Diagnostic Stability of Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnosis in a Clinical Sample of Children and Toddlers

Some studies show that the diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder could be considered reliable and stable in children aged 18 to 24 months. Nevertheless, the diagnostic stability of early ASD diagnosis has not yet been fully demonstrated. This observational study examines the one-year diagnostic stability of autism spectrum disorder diagnosis in a clinical sample of 147 children diagnosed between 18 and 48 months of age. The ADOS-2 scores were used in order to stratify children in three levels of symptom severity: Autism (AD; comparison score 5–7), Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD; comparison score 3–4), and Sub-Threshold Symptoms; (STS; comparison score 1–2). Results: Overall…

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